Comprehensive nutrient management plan
Comprehensive nutrient management plans (CNMPs) have become an integral part of the regulatory permitting and environmental stewardship for large, and in some cases medium and small, animal feeding operation
s (AFOs). A CNMP is developed to assist an AFO owner/operator in meeting applicable local, tribal, state, and federal water quality goals or regulations. CNMPs are developed in accordance with NRCS conservation planning policy and EPA guidance. The CNMP fits within the total resource management objectives of the entire farm/animal feeding operation. It identifies management and conservation actions necessary to meet clearly defined nutrient management goals aimed at reducing excess nutrients in soil and water. Conservation practices may include manure and wastewater handling and storage, land treatment practices, and feed practices.
Animal feeding operation
The Environmental Protection Agency defines an Animal Feeding Operation in the Code of Federal Regulations The Environmental Protection Agency defines an Animal Feeding Operation (AFO) in the Code of Federal Regulations The Environmental Protection Agency defines an Animal Feeding Operation (AFO)...
s (AFOs). A CNMP is developed to assist an AFO owner/operator in meeting applicable local, tribal, state, and federal water quality goals or regulations. CNMPs are developed in accordance with NRCS conservation planning policy and EPA guidance. The CNMP fits within the total resource management objectives of the entire farm/animal feeding operation. It identifies management and conservation actions necessary to meet clearly defined nutrient management goals aimed at reducing excess nutrients in soil and water. Conservation practices may include manure and wastewater handling and storage, land treatment practices, and feed practices.