Completion rate
Completion rates measure the useful transmission of complete binary file
Binary file
A binary file is a computer file which may contain any type of data, encoded in binary form for computer storage and processing purposes; for example, computer document files containing formatted text...

s across newsgroup
A usenet newsgroup is a repository usually within the Usenet system, for messages posted from many users in different locations. The term may be confusing to some, because it is usually a discussion group. Newsgroups are technically distinct from, but functionally similar to, discussion forums on...


Newsgroups function by a large network
Computer network
A computer network, often simply referred to as a network, is a collection of hardware components and computers interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information....

 of server
Server (computing)
In the context of client-server architecture, a server is a computer program running to serve the requests of other programs, the "clients". Thus, the "server" performs some computational task on behalf of "clients"...

s which regularly synchronize posts with each other. Each time a post is transferred between news server
News server
A news server is a set of computer software used to handle Usenet articles. It may also refer to a computer itself which is primarily or solely used for handling Usenet. A reader server provides an interface to read and post articles, generally with the assistance of a news client. A transit...

s there is a chance that it will be dropped. There are many possible causes for a dropped post, such as high network traffic and dropped packets.
If even a single post is dropped from a large file then the entire file will become useless. To combat this, par file
Parchive is an open source software project that emerged in 2001 to develop a parity file format, as conceived by Tobias Rieper and Stefan Wehlus...

s were created.

Many ISP News Servers do not have a link into the Internet backbone
Internet backbone
The Internet backbone refers to the principal data routes between large, strategically interconnected networks and core routers in the Internet...

of the internal news network. They often suffer from resulting low completion rates.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.