Commotria albistria
Commotria albistria is a species of snout moths
The Pyralidae or snout moths are a family of Lepidoptera in the ditrysian superfamily Pyraloidea. In many classifications, the grass moths are included in the Pyralidae as a subfamily, making the combined group one of the largest families in the Lepidoptera...

 in the genus Commotria
Commotria is a genus of snout moths. It was described by Berg in 1885.-Species:* Commotria albinervella Hampson, 1918* Commotria albistria Janse, 1922* Commotria castaneipars Hampson, 1918* Commotria enervella Hampson, 1918...

. It was described by Janse, in 1922. It is found in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in the southern part of the African continent, between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the southwest, Zambia and a tip of Namibia to the northwest and Mozambique to the east. Zimbabwe has three...

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