Collateral may refer to:

I am a cool guy, with a job I contracted to do.

[after the nightclub shootout] Only thing that didn't show up is the Polish cavalry.

Don't get me cornered. You don't have the trunk space.

If you open that trunk, they go inside.

Yo, homie. Is that my briefcase?

[after Max crashes the cab] Well, that was brilliant...

[after Max destroys his briefcase] My prep was in there! You're screwing with my work! Let's see what else you can do.

Max, I do this for a living!

You attract attention, you're going to get people killed who didn't need to be.

Most people, ten years from now, same job, same place, same routine. Everything the same. Just keeping it safe over and over and over. Ten years from now. Man, you don’t know where you’ll be ten minutes from now . . .
