Clidemia is a genus of flowering plant
s in the glory bush
family, Melastomataceae
. It contains about 450 species, the best known being C. hirta
(soapbush). The generic name honours Ancient Greek
author Cleidemus
Flowering plant
The flowering plants , also known as Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta, are the most diverse group of land plants. Angiosperms are seed-producing plants like the gymnosperms and can be distinguished from the gymnosperms by a series of synapomorphies...
s in the glory bush
Tibouchina is a genus of about 350 species of neotropical plants in the family Melastomataceae. They are trees, shrubs or subshrubs growing 0.5–25 m tall, and are known as glory bushes or glory trees. They are native to rainforests of Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America, especially Brazil...
family, Melastomataceae
right|thumb|200px|Characteristic venation of many melastomesThe family Melastomataceae is a taxon of dicotyledonous flowering plants found mostly in the tropics comprising some 200 genera and 4500 species...
. It contains about 450 species, the best known being C. hirta
Clidemia hirta
Clidemia hirta, commonly called soapbush or Koster's Curse, is a perennial shrub.It is an invasive plant species in many tropical regions of the world, creating serious damage.-Distribution:...
(soapbush). The generic name honours Ancient Greek
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity. Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine era. Included in Ancient Greece is the...
author Cleidemus
Cleidemus was a Greek author, perhaps of the fifth or fourth century BCE but definitely later than the battle of Plataea in 479 BCE, who produced a lost book called Atthis , dealing with the traditional origins of Athenian law and institutions...
- C. ablusa
- C. acostae
- C. acurensis
- C. acutiflora
- C. acutifolia
- C. affinis
- C. aggregata
- C. agrestis
- C. aguaclarensis
- C. alata
- C. allardii
- C. alpestris
- C. alternifolia
- C. althaeoides
- C. amblyandra
- C. ampla
- C. amygdaloides
- C. andersonii
- C. angustifolia
- C. angustilamina
- C. anisophylla
- C. anisotrichum
- C. anoriensis
- C. aphanantha
- C. aptera
- C. aristigera
- C. asperifolia
- C. asplundii
- C. astrotricha
- C. atrata
- C. attenuata
- C. aurea
- C. auricoma
- C. australis
- C. ayanagannensis
- C. ayangannensis
- C. barbata
- C. barbeyana
- C. barbinervis
- C. barkleyi
- C. berbiceana
- C. bernardii
- C. berterii
- C. bifaria
- C. biformis
- C. biolleyana
- C. biseptena
- C. biserrata
- C. blepharodes
- C. boliviensis
- C. bonplandii
- C. botryophora
- C. brachystachya
- C. brachystephana
- C. brackenridgei
- C. bracteata
- C. bullosa
- C. buntingii
- C. calcarata
- C. calvescens
- C. campestris
- C. campii
- C. candolleana
- C. capillaris
- C. capilliflora
- C. capillipes
- C. capitata
- C. capitellata
- C. capituliflora
- C. carassana
- C. caudataClidemia caudataClidemia caudata is a species of plant in the Melastomataceae family.It is endemic to Ecuador.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical high-altitude shrubland.-Source:...
- C. cephalophora
- C. ceramicarpa
- C. cernua
- C. chaetocalyx
- C. chaetodon
- C. chamissois
- C. charadrophila
- C. chinatlana
- C. chocoensis
- C. choetodon
- C. chrysopogon
- C. ciliata
- C. cinerea
- C. cinnamomifolia
- C. claussenii
- C. clementiana
- C. coccinea
- C. collina
- C. confertiflora
- C. congestiflora
- C. conglomerata
- C. cordata
- C. cordifolia
- C. cordigera
- C. coriacea
- C. cornoides
- C. coronata
- C. costaricensis
- C. crenulata
- C. crossosepala
- C. crotonifolia
- C. cruegeriana
- C. cuatrecasasii
- C. cubatanensis
- C. cubensis
- C. cuneata
- C. cursoris
- C. cutucuensis
- C. cyanocarpa
- C. cymifera
- C. cymosa
- C. dasytricha
- C. debilis
- C. decurrens
- C. deflexa
- C. dendroides
- C. densiflora
- C. dentata
- C. depauperata
- C. dependens
- C. deppeana
- C. desmantha
- C. dichotoma
- C. diffusa
- C. diguensis
- C. dimorphica
- C. discolor
- C. dispar
- C. divaricata
- C. diversifolia
- C. dolichantha
- C. dolichostachya
- C. domingensis
- C. donnell-smithii
- C. drosera
- C. duidae
- C. ecuadorensis
- C. elata
- C. epibaterium
- C. epiphytica
- C. erostrata
- C. erythropogon
- C. euphorbioides
- C. fallax
- C. farinasii
- C. fausta
- C. fendleri
- C. fenestrata
- C. ferox
- C. fissinervia
- C. flexnosa
- C. flexuosa
- C. floribunda
- C. foliosa
- C. foreroi
- C. foveolata
- C. francavillana
- C. fraterna
- C. fuertesii
- C. fulva
- C. garcia-barrigae
- C. glabrata
- C. glabriflora
- C. glandulifera
- C. globuliflora
- C. glomerata
- C. graciliflora
- C. gracilipes
- C. gracilis
- C. grandifolia
- C. granvillei
- C. grisebachii
- C. guadaloupensis
- C. guaicaipurana
- C. guatemalensis
- C. hammelii
- C. haughtii
- C. hematostemon
- C. heptamera
- C. herbacea
- C. heterobasis
- C. heteroclita
- C. heteromalla
- C. heteronervis
- C. heteroneura
- C. heterophylla
- C. heteropila
- C. heterotricha
- C. hirsuta
- C. hirtaClidemia hirtaClidemia hirta, commonly called soapbush or Koster's Curse, is a perennial shrub.It is an invasive plant species in many tropical regions of the world, creating serious damage.-Distribution:...
- C. hirtella
- C. holosericea
- C. humilis
- C. imparilis
- C. impetiolaris
- C. inaequalifolia
- C. inobsepta
- C. inopogon
- C. insularis
- C. intermedia
- C. interrupta
- C. involucrata
- C. japurensls
- C. juruana
- C. juruensis
- C. kapplerii
- C. killipii
- C. kuhlmannii
- C. lacera
- C. laevifolia
- C. laevigata
- C. lambertiana
- C. lanata
- C. lappacea
- C. latifolia
- C. laxiflora
- C. leandroides
- C. leptopus
- C. leptostachya
- C. leucandra
- C. lima
- C. linearis
- C. lineata
- C. longibarbis
- C. longifolia
- C. longipedunculata
- C. longisetosa
- C. lopezii
- C. lugubris
- C. lundellii
- C. lutescens
- C. macrandra
- C. macropetala
- C. macrophylla
- C. macropora
- C. maculata
- C. manoacensis
- C. marahuacensis
- C. marginata
- C. martiana
- C. martii
- C. matudae
- C. melanodesma
- C. melanophylla
- C. melanotricha
- C. miconiastrum
- C. miconioides
- C. micrantha
- C. micropetala
- C. microphylla
- C. microstachya
- C. microthyrsa
- C. minutiflora
- C. monantha
- C. monticola
- C. morichensis
- C. mortoniana
- C. multiplinervis
- C. mutabilis
- C. myrmecina
- C. naevula
- C. naudiniana
- C. neblinae
- C. neglecta
- C. nervosa
- C. nianga
- C. nivea
- C. novemnervia
- C. oaxacensis
- C. obliqua
- C. oblonga
- C. obscura
- C. octona
- C. oligantha
- C. oligochaeta
- C. ombrophila
- C. oocarpa
- C. ossaeaeformis
- C. ossaeiformis
- C. ossaeoides
- C. ostentata
- C. ostrina
- C. oxyura
- C. pakaraimae
- C. panamensis
- C. paraguayensis
- C. parasitica
- C. penduliflora
- C. penninervis
- C. pennipilis
- C. peruviana
- C. petiolaris
- C. petiolata
- C. phaeostaphis
- C. phaeotricha
- C. pickeringii
- C. pilosa
- C. pilosissima
- C. piperifolia
- C. pittieri
- C. platyphylla
- C. pleiostemon
- C. plumosa
- C. polyandra
- C. polystachia
- C. polystachya
- C. portoricensis
- C. procumbens
- C. pterosepala
- C. pubescens
- C. pulchra
- C. purpurascens
- C. purpurea
- C. purpureo-violacea
- C. pusilliflora
- C. pussiliflora
- C. pustulata
- C. pycnantha
- C. pycnaster
- C. quadrisulca
- C. quinquedentata
- C. quinquenodis
- C. quintuplinervia
- C. raddiana
- C. radicans
- C. radulaefolia
- C. ramiflora
- C. rariflora
- C. reclinata
- C. reflexa
- C. regnellii
- C. reitziana
- C. renggeri
- C. repens
- C. reticulata
- C. retropila
- C. reversa
- C. rhamnifolia
- C. rhodolasia
- C. rhodopogon
- C. ribesiiflora
- C. riedeliana
- C. rigida
- C. rimbachii
- C. rubella
- C. rubra
- C. rubrinervis
- C. rubripila
- C. ruddae
- C. rufescens
- C. rusbyi
- C. sagittata
- C. salicifolia
- C. saltuensis
- C. sandwithii
- C. saulensis
- C. scabrosa
- C. scandens
- C. scopulina
- C. secunda
- C. secundiflora
- C. semijuga
- C. septuplinervia
- C. sericea
- C. serpens
- C. serrulata
- C. sessiliflora
- C. setosa
- C. setosissima
- C. siapensis
- C. silvestris
- C. silvicola
- C. simplicicaulis
- C. simpsonii
- C. simulans
- C. smithii
- C. solearis
- C. sparsiflora
- C. spectabilis
- C. spicaeformis
- C. spicata
- C. spondylantha
- C. sprucei
- C. staphidioides
- C. stellipilis
- C. stenopetala
- C. steyermarkii
- C. strigilliflora
- C. strigillosa
- C. striphnocalyx
- C. submontana
- C. subseriata
- C. subspicata
- C. suffruticosa
- C. sulcicaulis
- C. sulfurea
- C. sulphurea
- C. surinamensis
- C. swartsii
- C. sylvestris
- C. taurina
- C. tepuiensis
- C. testiculata
- C. tetragona
- C. tetragonoloba
- C. tetrapetala
- C. tetraptera
- C. tetraquetra
- C. tiliaefolia
- C. tillettii
- C. tococoidea
- C. tonduzii
- C. tovarensis
- C. trichocalyx
- C. trichodes
- C. trichogona
- C. trichopetala
- C. trichopoda
- C. trichosantha
- C. trichotoma
- C. triflora
- C. trinitensis
- C. tristis
- C. tuerckheimii
- C. ulei
- C. umbellata
- C. umbonata
- C. umbrosa
- C. urceolata
- C. uribei
- C. urticaefolia
- C. urticoides
- C. utleyana
- C. valenzuelana
- C. vallicola
- C. variifolia
- C. vegaensis
- C. velutina
- C. venosa
- C. verruculosa
- C. verticillata
- C. vincentina
- C. violacea
- C. virgata
- C. vittata
- C. weddellii
- C. wrightii
- C. xanthocoma
- C. xantholasia
- C. xanthopogon