Claremont Pier
The Claremont Pier is a traditional seaside pier
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 in Lowestoft
Lowestoft is a town in the English county of Suffolk. The town is on the North Sea coast and is the most easterly point of the United Kingdom. It is north-east of London, north-east of Ipswich and south-east of Norwich...

 in the English
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

A county is a jurisdiction of local government in certain modern nations. Historically in mainland Europe, the original French term, comté, and its equivalents in other languages denoted a jurisdiction under the sovereignty of a count A county is a jurisdiction of local government in certain...

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The pier was constructed in 1902/03 and used originally as a mooring for Belle steamers. It was designed by D. Fox and was originally 181.8 m in length and 10.9 m in width. In 1912, it was extended to a length of 230.3 m. In World War Two, it was used as an army base until 1948. After repair in the 1950s, a storm in 1962 washed a section of it away, reducing its length to 218 meters.

In the 1990s the pier was taken over by the Scott family and, despite restoration work on the shoreward end, much of the pier remains in need of restoration.

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