Cinema of Uzbekistan
The Uzbek cinema history can be divided into two periods: the Cinema of the Soviet Uzbekistan (1924–1991) and the cinema of the Uzbekistan Independent (1991).
The film of the period Uzbek Soviet can be distinguished from the production Soviet Russian the language of film shooting involved (filmed mostly in Uzbekistan), the thematic national and ethnic Uzbek from the majority of filmmakers and actors.
The film of the period Uzbek Soviet can be distinguished from the production Soviet Russian the language of film shooting involved (filmed mostly in Uzbekistan), the thematic national and ethnic Uzbek from the majority of filmmakers and actors.
Uzbek directors
- Khamil Yarmatov
- Nabi Ganiev
- Choukhrat Abbasov
- Melis Abzalov
- Latif Faiziev
- Iouldach Azamov
- Zoulfikon Mouzakov
- Ali Khamraev, born May 19, 1937 in TashkentTashkentTashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan and of the Tashkent Province. The officially registered population of the city in 2008 was about 2.2 million. Unofficial sources estimate the actual population may be as much as 4.45 million.-Early Islamic History:...
- Anvar Touraev, born June 21, 1934 in SamarkandSamarkandAlthough a Persian-speaking region, it was not united politically with Iran most of the times between the disintegration of the Seleucid Empire and the Arab conquest . In the 6th century it was within the domain of the Turkic kingdom of the Göktürks.At the start of the 8th century Samarkand came...
- Boris Konounov, born May 24, 1947 in Tashkent
- Djakhanguir Kassymov
- Edouard Khatchatourov, born April 27, 1936 in Tashkent
- Eldor Urazbaev, born October 11, 1940 in Tashkent
- Elior Ichmoukhamedov, born May 1, 1942 in Tashkent
- Gueorgui Youngvald-Khilkevitch, born October 22, 1934 in Tashkent
- Khusejn Erkenov, born in 1960 in Tashkent
- Rashid Malikov
- Shavkat Karimov
- Yousouf Razykov, born in 1957 in Tashkent
Uzbeck actors
- Alexander Abdulov, born May 29, 1953 in Fergana and died on January 3, 2008 at Moscow in RussiaRussiaRussia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
- Oulmas Alikhodjaev
- Yefim Bronfman, born April 10, 1958 in Tashkent
Films of the Soviet era
- Alisher Navoi (1947), Avicenna (1957) Kamil Yarmatov
- Short Stories About Children, That... (1961) Ali Khamraev
- Salom, 'Bahor' "(1962) by Ali Khamraev
- Where There Is Much Sun (Tam, gde mnogo solntse, 1962) by Ali Khamraev
- The First Confession (Pervoye priznaniye, 1963) by Ali Khamrayev
- Where Are You, My Zulfiya (Gde ty, moya Zulfiya?, 1964) by Ali Khamraev
- Osiyo UStId bo'ron (1965) Kamil Yarmatov
- The Formula of Rainbow (Formula Raduga, 1966) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- White Cranes (Belye, Belye aisty, 1966) by Ali Khamraev
- Tenderness (Nezhnost ', 1967) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- Dilorom (1967) by Ali Khamraev
- Babushka, Pyati tysyach Vnukov (1967) by Ali Khamraev
- Ikki qalb Navos (1968), Qora Konsul o'limi (1970) Kamil Yarmatov
- Krasnye Peski (1968) by Ali Khamraev
- Attention, Tsunami! (Vnimaniye, tsunami!, 1969) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Dangerous Tour (Opasnye gastroli - Опасные гастроли, 1969) Georgi-Yungvald Khilkevich
- The Lovers (Vlyublyonnyye, 1969) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- Extraordinary Commissar (Chrezvychainyy Komissar, 1970) by Ali Khamraev
- Derzost (1971) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Fearless (Bez strakha, 1971) by Ali Khamraev
- Lenin i Turkestan (1971) by Ali Khamraev
- The Seventh BulletThe Seventh BulletThe Seventh Bullet is a Soviet Ostern film of 1972 directed by Ali Khamraev.-Plot:In the same tradition as The White Sun of the Desert and The Bodyguard, The Seventh Bullet is set after the Russian Civil War which ended in the 1920s when Soviet power established itself in Central Asia in the wake...
(Седьмая пуля, Sedmaya pulya) (1972) by Ali Khamraev - Meetings and Partings (Vstrechi i rasstavaniya, 1973) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- Uzbekistan and Lenin (Lenin i Uzbekistan, 1974) by Ali Khamraev
- The Man Who Loves the Birds (Chelovek ukhodit za ptitsami, 1975) by Ali Khamraev
- The Worshiper (Poklonnik, 1975) by Ali Khamraev
- Ptitsy nashikh nadezhda (1976) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- Gody bratstva i ispytaniy. Uzbekistan 1941-1945 ( 1976 ) by Ali Khamraev
- Trans-Siberian Express (Transsibirskiy ekspress - Транссибирский экспресс, 1977) by Eldor Urazbayev
- D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers (D'Artanyan i sort mushketyora - Д'Артаньян и три мушкетёра, 1978) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Triptikh (1978) by Ali Khamraev
- Tail-Coat for an Idler (Frak dlya shalopaya, 1979) by Eldor Urazbayev
- Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville ... (Akh, Vodevil, Vodevil ... - Ах, водевиль, водевиль ..., 1979) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- The Bodyguard (Telokhranitel, 1979) by Ali Khamraev
- Preparation to Exam (Podgotovka k ekzamenu, 1979) by Boris Konunov
- Kazhdyy tretiy (1980) by Eduard Khachaturov
- Kakie nashi gody! (1980) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- Keep Your Eyes Open! (Smotri v oba! - Смотри в оба!, 1981) by Eldor Urazbayev
- Kuda on denetsya! (1981) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Traffic Officer (Inspektor GAI - Инспектор ГАИ, 1982) by Eldor Urazbayev
- Youth of a Genius (Yunost genii, 1982) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- Under One Umbrella (Dvoe pod odnim zontom: Aprelskaya Skazka - Двое под одним зонтом, 1983) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Hot Summer in Kabul (Zharkoye leto v Kabule - Жаркое лето в Кабуле, 1983) by Ali Khamraev
- Tufli s zolotymi pryazhkami (1984) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- A Small Favor (odolzhenie Malenko, 1984) by Boris Konunov
- The Wife from Vuadilya (Nevesta iz Vuadilya, 1984) by Ali Khamrayev
- The Marvelous Season (Sezon Chud, 1985) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Farewell, Summer Green (Proshchay, leta ... Zelen, 1985) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- I Remember You (Ya tebya pomnyu, 1985) by Ali Khamrayev
- Sekunda na podvig (1986) by Eldor Urazbayev
- Kto v voydyot Posledniy Vagon (1986) by Boris Konunov
- Vyshe raduga (1986) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Visit to Minotaur (k Vizit Minotavru - Визит к Минотавру, 1987) by Eldor Urazbayev
- The Garden of Desires (Sad zhelaniy - Сад желаний, 1987) by Ali Khamrayev
- Klinika (1987) by Rashid Malikov
- The Count of Monte Cristo (Uznik zamka If - Узник замка Иф, 1988) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Kolka (1988) by Hussein Erkenov
- Shok (1988) of Elyer Ishmukhamedov
- Zapadnya (1988) by Boris Konunov
- The Art of Living in Odessa (Iskusstvo Zhiti v Odessa - Искусство жить в Одессе, 1989) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- 100 Days Before the Command (Sto dney do prikaz, 1990) by Hussein Erkenov
Post-Soviet films
- Musketeers 20 Years Later (Mushketyory 20 let spustya - Мушкетёры 20 лет спустя, 1992) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- Nulevoy varying (1992) of R. Otkirov Otkirov
- The Code of Silence (Kodeks molchaniya-2, 1992) by Zinovy Roizman
- The Mystery of Ferns (Kirk Kulok siri, 1992) by Rashid Malikov
- Hullabaloo, or Off the Cuff (Tram tararam, ili bukhty-barakhty, 1993) by Eldor Urazbayev
- Do not Shoot the Passengers (Do strelyayte v passazhira, 1993) by Hussein Erkenov
- The Secret of Queen Anna or Musketeers 30 Years Later (Tayna korolevy Anny ili mushketyory 30 let spustya, 1993) by Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
- V Bagdade Vsyo spokoyno (1993) of Mukhitdin Mukhammadiyev
- Hagi-Tragger (Хагги Траггер-, 1994) by Eldor Urazbayev
- Velikij turan (1995) of Giyas Shermukhamedov
- Scams, Music, Love ... (Afyory, muzyka, lyubov ..., 1997) Georgi-Yungvald Khilkevich
- The Stowaway (From Verstekeling, 1997) by Ben van Lieshout
- Bo Ba Bu (1998) by Ali Khamrayev
- Luna Papa (1999) of Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov
- Women Kingdom (Zjenskoe tsarsvo, 2000) of Yusup Razykov
- Orator (Voiz, 2000) of Yusup Razykov
- Hurly Burly (2001) by Shavkat Karimov
- Let's Not Cry (Gwenchana uljima, 2001) Biong Hun Min
- The Dancing Men (Dilhiroj, 2002) of Yusup Razykov
- in the Sky (Malchik v Nebe, 2002) Zulfikar Musakov
- Cinedictum (2002) by Shavkat Karimov
- Giant and Squab (2004) of Djakhangir Kasymov
- Erkak (2005) of Yusup Razykov
- Teenager ( Orzu ortida , 2005 ) of Yolkin Tuychiev