Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, Inc.
The Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization (FSO) is an American 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Within the worldwide network of Scientology corporations and entities, the FSO is officially referred to as the "spiritual
Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality; an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop...

Headquarters denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an organization are coordinated. In the United States, the corporate headquarters represents the entity at the center or the top of a corporation taking full responsibility managing all business activities...

" of the Church of Scientology
Church of Scientology
The Church of Scientology is an organization devoted to the practice and the promotion of the Scientology belief system. The Church of Scientology International is the Church of Scientology's parent organization, and is responsible for the overall ecclesiastical management, dissemination and...

. The organization is located in Clearwater, Florida..

According to the official website of the Church of Scientology, "the Flag Service Organization (FSO) is a religious retreat which serves as the spiritual headquarters for Scientologists from all over the world.

Nor bigots who but one way see,Through blinkers of authority.

The Grotto, l. 165. (1732)

To cure the mind's wrong bias, Spleen,Some recommend the bowling green;Some, hilly walks; all, exercise;Fling but a stone, the giant dies.

Line 89.

Fling but a stone, the giant dies.

Line 93.

Avarice, sphincter of the heart.

Line 697.

Thus I steer my bark, and sailOn even keel, with gentle gale.

Though pleased to see the dolphins play,I mind my compass and my way.
