Christian Unity Baptist Association
The Christian Unity Baptist Association was organized September 27-September 28, 1935 at Zion Hill Church in Ashe County, North Carolina
Ashe County, North Carolina
- History :Historical evidence shows that Ashe county was inhabited by Native Americans, which included the Cherokee, Creek, and Shawnee tribes. Pieces of broken pottery, arrowheads, and other Native American artifacts have been found, indicating their presence...

, by six Baptist
Baptists comprise a group of Christian denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that baptism should be performed only for professing believers , and that it must be done by immersion...

 congregations. Some of these churches were remnants of the Macedonia Baptist Association, which existed for a short time in the first quarter of the 20th century. These churches had a mixed Missionary Baptist and Primitive Baptist
Primitive Baptist
Primitive Baptists, also known as Hard Shell Baptists or Anti-Mission Baptists, are conservative, Calvinist Baptists adhering to beliefs that formed out of the controversy among Baptists in the early 1800’s over the appropriateness of mission boards, bible tract societies, and temperance...

 background. Leaders in this new organization included Frank Sturgill, F. Carl Sturgill, and Nancy Owens.

Though the Christian Unity Association shared much in common with fellow mountain Baptists, they differed from the majority of them in three important points: (1) falling from grace; (2) open communion; and (3) women preachers. Two women preached at the organizational meeting.

The Christian Unity Baptist Association is defunct. This body divided in 1969, and the majority chose to affiliate with the General Association of Separate Baptists
Separate Baptists in Christ
The Separate Baptists in Christ are a denomination of Separate Baptists found mostly in United States.-History:The Separate Baptists had no formal statement of faith before 1776. They only followed the Bible. In 1776 there was split in the Separate Baptist movement over the Arminian system...

. The minority represented continuity with the original constitution and articles of faith. The two surviving churches from that fellowship (Zion Hill & Hooks Branch in Va.), with a combined membership of about 50, no longer hold an associational structure.

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