Christian Gottlieb Jöcher

Jöcher was born in Leipzig
Leipzig Leipzig has always been a trade city, situated during the time of the Holy Roman Empire at the intersection of the Via Regia and Via Imperii, two important trade routes. At one time, Leipzig was one of the major European centres of learning and culture in fields such as music and publishing...
, and became professor of history at the University of Leipzig
University of Leipzig
The University of Leipzig , located in Leipzig in the Free State of Saxony, Germany, is one of the oldest universities in the world and the second-oldest university in Germany...
in 1732. From 1742, he was university librarian in the Leipzig University Library
Leipzig University Library
Leipzig University Library , known also as Bibliotheca Albertina, is the central library of the University of Leipzig. It is one of the oldest German university libraries.- History :...
, where he began the complete alphabetic catalogue of the collections.
He authored the Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon ("General Dictionary of the Learned") in four volumes, published 1733-1751, and was editor of the literary journal Deutsche Acta Eruditorum from 1719. He died in Leipzig.
- Compendiöses Gelehrten-Lexicon: Darinne die Gelehrten aller Stände so wohl männ- als weiblichen Geschlechts, welche vom Anfang der Welt bis auf ietztige Zeit gelebt, und sich der gelehrten Welt bekannt gemacht, nach ihrer Geburt, Absterben, Schrifften, Leben und merckwürdigen Geschichten aus denen glaubwürdigsten Scribenten nach dem Entwurff des sel. D. Joh. Burckh. Menckens in alphabetischer Ordnung beschrieben werden. In zwei Theilen. Die dritte Auflage heraus gegeben von Christian Gottlieb Jöcher, Leipzig 1733 http://books.google.com/books?id=iDMGAAAAQAAJ http://books.google.com/books/pdf/Compendi__ses_Gelehrten_lexicon.pdf?id=iDMGAAAAQAAJ&output=pdf&sig=ACfU3U1K2nIC80pw2HcRzV9PKMDE3dwSnA&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0