Child-resistant packaging
Child-resistant packaging or C-R packaging is special packaging used to reduce the risk of children ingesting dangerous items. This is often accomplished by the use of a special safety cap. It is required by regulation for prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, pesticides, and household chemicals. In some jurisdictions, unit packaging such as blister pack
Blister pack
Blister pack is a term for several types of pre-formed plastic packaging used for small consumer goods, foods, and for pharmaceuticals.The primary component of a blister pack is a cavity or pocket made from a "formable" web, usually a thermoformed plastic. This usually has a backing of paperboard...

s is also regulated for child safety.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has stated in a press release that "There is no such thing as child-proof packaging. So you shouldn't think of packaging as your primary line of defense. Rather, you should think of packaging, even child-resistant packaging, as your last line of defense."


The child-resistant locking closure for containers was invented by Dr. Henri Breault in 1967.

A history of accidents involving children opening household packaging and ingesting the contents led the US Congress to pass the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970. This gave the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission  the authority to regulate this area. Additions throughout the decades have increased the initial coverage to include other hazardous items, including chemicals regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency
United States Environmental Protection Agency
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and the environment, by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress...

. Coordination exists for improving international standard
International standard
International standards are standards developed by international standards organizations. International standards are available for consideration and use, worldwide...

s on requirements and protocols.

Difficulty opening

Child-resistant packaging can be a problem for some aged individuals or people with disabilities. Regulations require designs to be tested to verify that most adults can access the package. Some jurisdictions allow pharmacists to provide medications in non C-R packages when there are no children in the same house.


The regulations are based on protocols of performance test
Performance test
The performance test or "PT" is a section of the bar exam that is intended to mimic a real-life legal task that future lawyers may face. Of the three parts of most states' bar exams -- MBE, essay, and PT -- the PT is probably the most reflective of how well a candidate will perform outside of an...

s of packages with actual children, to determine if the packages can be opened. More recently, additional package testing
Package testing
Package testing or packaging testing involves the measurement of a characteristic or property involved with packaging. This includes packaging materials, packaging components, primary packages, shipping containers, and unit loads, as well as the associated processes.Testing measures the effects...

 is used to determine if aged individuals or people with disabilities have the ability to open the same packages.

Often the C-R requirements are met by package closures which require two dissimilar motions for opening. Hundreds of package designs are available for packagers to consider.


  • ISO 8317 Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for reclosable packages.
  • ISO 13127 Packaging—Child resistant packaging—Mechanical test methods for reclosable child resistant packaging systems
  • ASTM D3475 Standard Classification for Child-Resistant Packages

See also

  • Child safety lock
    Child safety lock
    A child safety lock is a special-purpose lock for cabinets, drawers, bottles, etc. that is designed to help prevent children from getting at any dangerous contents. Young children are naturally curious about their surroundings and will always explore, but as they may be unaware of dangerous...

  • Childproof
    Childproofing is the act of making an environment or object relatively safe for children. The act of childproofing reduces risks to a level considered acceptable by a society, an institution, or, for example, to specific parents. Childproofing may include restriction of children to safe areas or...

  • Package pilferage
    Package pilferage
    Pilferage is the theft of part of the contents of a package. It may also include theft of the contents but leaving the package, perhaps resealed with bogus contents. Small packages can be pilfered from a larger package such as a shipping container...

  • Over-the-counter drug
    Over-the-counter drug
    Over-the-counter drugs are medicines that may be sold directly to a consumer without a prescription from a healthcare professional, as compared to prescription drugs, which may be sold only to consumers possessing a valid prescription...

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Tamper resistance
    Tamper resistance
    Tamper resistance is resistance to tampering by either the normal users of a product, package, or system or others with physical access to it. There are many reasons for employing tamper resistance....

  • Screw cap

General references

  • Yam, K. L., "Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology", John Wiley & Sons, 2009, ISBN 9780470087046
  • Lockhart, H., and Paine, F.A., "Packaging of Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Products", 2006, Blackie, ISBN 0751401676

External links

News stories and press releases:
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