Chicken Roundabout
Chicken Roundabout is a roundabout
A roundabout is the name for a road junction in which traffic moves in one direction around a central island. The word dates from the early 20th century. Roundabouts are common in many countries around the world...

 located on the A143 road
A143 road
The A143 is a road that runs from Great Yarmouth in Norfolk to Haverhill in Suffolk.For much of the route the road is classified as a primary route. Over the years the road has been much improved with new by-passes opening at regular intervals...

, on the on the Bungay and Ditchingham bypass in Suffolk
Suffolk is a non-metropolitan county of historic origin in East Anglia, England. It has borders with Norfolk to the north, Cambridgeshire to the west and Essex to the south. The North Sea lies to the east...

, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. The roundabout is famous for being the habitat for a large group of feral chickens
Feral chickens
Feral chickens are derived from domestic chickens that have returned to the wild. Like the Red Junglefowl , feral chickens will take flight and roost in tall trees and bushes in order to avoid predators at night.Feral chickens, like the wild Red Junglefowl, typically form social groups composed of...

 and is often used as a rehoming location for unwanted pets.


The chickens residing on the roundabout are often the target of animal abuse, this has caused animal welfare groups to attempt to rescue a large number of the chickens, however unwanted pets are still released at the location.
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