Chay (given name)
Chay is a boy's name. It is either a diminutive of Charles
Charles is a given name for males and is borrowed from the French form of the Latin Carolus Charles is a given name for males and is borrowed from the French form of the Latin Carolus...

, ultimately derived from Germanic Karal, Karel, Karl, meaning “man”, or it may be Gaelic in origin, meaning “Fairy Tale” . This unusual name surfaced into the public in Britain in the mid-1970s, with the publicity for yachtsman Chay Blyth
Chay Blyth
Sir Charles Blyth, CBE, BEM , known as Chay Blyth, is a Scottish yachtsman and rower. He was the first person to sail non-stop westwards around the world , on a 59-foot boat called British Steel.- Early life:...

. It is generally pronounced Sh (as in Shane) ay (as in May), and sometimes pronounced Ch (as in Charles) ay (as in May).
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