Charles Emmanuel Biset
Charles Emmanuel Biset, a Flemish
Flemish people
The Flemings or Flemish are the Dutch-speaking inhabitants of Belgium, where they are mostly found in the northern region of Flanders. They are one of two principal cultural-linguistic groups in Belgium, the other being the French-speaking Walloons...

 painter, was born at Mechlin
Mechelen Footnote: Mechelen became known in English as 'Mechlin' from which the adjective 'Mechlinian' is derived...

 in 1633. It is not said by whom he was instructed, but he went to Paris when he was young, and met with great encouragement, his pictures, which represented gallant assemblies, balls, concerts, and what are called 'conversations,' being adapted to French taste. Notwithstanding his success, the love of his native country induced him to return to Antwerp, where he was appointed director of the Academy, in 1674. He designed his subjects with taste, but his colour is rather cold and grey. His chief work is a large picture in the Brussels Gallery
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium
The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium , is one of the most famous museums in Belgium.-The museum:...

, formerly in the hall of the Archers' Guild
A guild is an association of craftsmen in a particular trade. The earliest types of guild were formed as confraternities of workers. They were organized in a manner something between a trade union, a cartel, and a secret society...

 at Antwerp, representing 'William Tell
William Tell
William Tell is a folk hero of Switzerland. His legend is recorded in a late 15th century Swiss chronicle....

 preparing to shoot the Apple from the Head of his Son.' A 'Family Group' by him is in the Museum at Rotterdam
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
The Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is the main art museum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The museum began in 1847 with the collection of Frans Jacob Otto Boijmans . Much of the museum's original collection was destroyed in a disastrous 1864 fire...

. He died at Breda
Breda is a municipality and a city in the southern part of the Netherlands. The name Breda derived from brede Aa and refers to the confluence of the rivers Mark and Aa. As a fortified city, the city was of strategic military and political significance...

in 1680 (or 1685). His son Jan Baptist Biset was also a painter.
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