Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA)
CIRA is a library of anarchist material in all languages based in Lausanne
Lausanne is a city in Romandy, the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and is the capital of the canton of Vaud. The seat of the district of Lausanne, the city is situated on the shores of Lake Geneva . It faces the French town of Évian-les-Bains, with the Jura mountains to its north-west...

, Switzerland
Switzerland name of one of the Swiss cantons. ; ; ; or ), in its full name the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons, with Bern as the seat of the federal authorities. The country is situated in Western Europe,Or Central Europe depending on the definition....

. It was founded in 1957 in Geneva
Geneva In the national languages of Switzerland the city is known as Genf , Ginevra and Genevra is the second-most-populous city in Switzerland and is the most populous city of Romandie, the French-speaking part of Switzerland...

, by the Italian anarchist
Anarchism in Italy
Italian anarchism as a movement began primarily from the influence of Mikhail Bakunin, Giuseppe Fanelli, and Errico Malatesta. From there it expanded to include illegalist individualist anarchism, and anarcho-syndicalism. It participated in the biennio rosso and survived fascism...

 Pietro Ferrua. It moved to Lausanne in 1964, where it was run by Marie-Christine Mikhaïlo and her daughter Marianne Enckell. It returned to Geneva between 1975 and 1989, when it was again moved to Lausanne. It is housed at 24 Avenue de Beaumont in the city (CH-1012).

CIRA has as its aim the collection of all materials relevant to anarchist theory. Currently the library holds 18,000 books and pamphlets and 4,000 periodicals (200 of which are still active). The Archive's catalog is available online. The CIRA does not have any means of purchasing materials, rather it survives solely on donations.

There is also CIRA-Marseille
Marseille , known in antiquity as Massalia , is the second largest city in France, after Paris, with a population of 852,395 within its administrative limits on a land area of . The urban area of Marseille extends beyond the city limits with a population of over 1,420,000 on an area of...

 in France and a CIRA in Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...


External links

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