Central Philippine University College of Engineering
College of Engineering - Central Philippine University (CPU-COE) is one of the academic units of Central Philippine University
. It was established in 1936 and currently headed by Engr. Dany C. Molina, Dean of Engineering.
(DOST/ESEP School for Western Visayas; accredited by PAASCU, Level III)
The CPU College of Engineering stands as a paragon of academic excellence. True to its epithet as a center of development, it has continued to produce quality graduates who have brought honor to its name.
Now, the college still stands holding forth the achieve of preeminence since the date of its foundation.
Three scores and five years have passed when Dr. Harland Stuart brought into existence the CPU College of Engineering. He dreamed to offer a general engineering course - a dream that is now a reality.
It was in 1945 when Prof. Juan Sornito was appointed as the dean of the college with 27 enrollees. Under his leadership, the college, starting with only the Civil Engineering course, rose from the ravages of war and the following years saw more enrollees.
In 1949, Dean Sornito joined forces with Prof. Lester Knox and the college graduated seven students with BSCE Degree after surviving the four strenuous years of study. The first graduates were Celedonio Buyco, Edmundo Cortez, Jimmy Hedriana, Silverio Montero, Romeo Portigo, Jorge Tamayo and Jose Tupaz.
Three years later, Jossette Garcia became the woman and first cum laude graduate.
The years saw the birth of three more disciplines, namely, Mechanical Engineering in 1955, Chemical Engineering in 1956, and Electrical Engineering in 1957. the first graduates for each of these programs were Juanito Fernandez, Alex Fulgencio, Eugenio Edgar Mana-ay, and Leonilo Robles (BSME);Nilda Balquin, Florita Cabafin and Timoteo Gan Jr. (BSChE); Rodolfo Sormieda, Rodolfo De Leon and Baltazar Nievares (BSSE).
Like two doting fathers, Dr. Knox and Prof. Sornito, still in partnership, establish an incentive for deserving students in 1965. This was the Quality Engineering Scholarship. Jose Azarcon Jr., Patricio Dionio and Virgilio Gotico were the first recipients.
In 1961, Prof. Sornito turned over the reins of deanship to Engr. Josette Garcia-Portigo. She contributed considerably to expanding the Engineering Library. She also supervised the fledging college paper, The CPU Engineer, which was the idea of then student governor, Alfonso Uy. Then building writer Miguel Veria was the first editor-in-chief.
Dr. Knox became dean in 1963 until 1965. He untiringly strengthened the College, especially the laboratories' equipment. He was succeeded by Prof Jorge Tamayo in 1965, the latter still upholding the quality of engineering education, which made the College different from other schools.
The succeeding years saw significant changes in the College. In 1965, the one-year Sanitary Engineering course was offered with three graduates. One could only enroll in this course after he has completed the CE course. However, this was abolished later due to an insufficient number of enrollees.
Dean Tamayo was named Vice - President for Administration in 1971 and Engr. Oseni Maribojo-Millamena was appointed officer-in-charge of the college. She was succeeded by Engr. Walden S. Rio in 1974. That same year, enrolment surpassed the 1,000 mark.
The graduates' board exam records were admirable thus far, but none had yet placed first - until one Vicente Balbin Jr., an EE graduate, achieve that honor in1976. He repeated the same performance five years later when he topped the board examination for Associate Electrical Engineers.
By God's guidance, the College continued to earn the respect of other institutions. In 1977, the Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF) chose it as one of the ten resource-based schools of engineering in the country.
With such recognition, came scholarship opportunities for the college's faculty. Engr. Edith Balboa-Baldonado, the first grantee earned her Master of Engineering Education degree at the University of the Philippines. Also through the EDPITAF, the Asian Development Bank and the Development Bank of the Philippines granted a 4 million-peso loan that was used to construct the present 3-storey Engineering Building. Until then, the college was house at the Technology Building beside the present P.E. Gym.
In 1980, the ever growing engineering family transferred to its new 3.6 million peso-3,791.6 sq.m. home beside the Franklin Hall.
Four years later, a revised curriculum for the four engineering disciplines was introduced to keep in step with technology. Computer subjects were added in the said curricula.
In 1985, the college again made news by making a 100% passing percentage in the Board Examinations for Civil Engineers. It was a fitting prelude to year-long Golden Jubilee Celebration of the college the following year. The first full accreditation granted by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) came in 1986, again a perfectly-timed gift for the 50-year old college.
In 1989, the Department of Energy Non-Conventional Energy Division singled out CPU College of Engineering as its affiliated Non-Conventional Energy Center (ANEC) in Western Visayas. It's main objective is to introduce, transfer and encourage the utilization of technically and economically viable non-conventional energy systems throughout the islands of Panay and Guimaras.
The year 1993 saw another addition to the Engineering family - the Electronics and Communication Engineering.
In 1994, PAASCU again granted Level III accreditation to the College.
The College holds many distinctions. It is a Priority Engineering Schools in Panay, a Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-ESEP School for Panay, a Center for Civil Engineering Education, and Heat Treatment Facility of the DOST.
It also a proud member of the organizations such as the Council of Engineering Schools in Western Visayas, the Philippine Association for Technological Education and the Association of Engineering Education in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
The College is also in partnership with the distinguished agencies and institutions like the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand, the UNESCO-supported International Center for Engineering Education, the Consortium of ESEP Schools of Visayas and Mindanao, and the Consortium of PAASCU Engineering Schools, and Academic - Industry - Government Consortium in Iloilo City. Its reputation as a respected college has extended beyond the Philippine shores as evidenced by the steady influx of foreign students and her graduates now working in big companies here and abroad.
1996 proved to be another busy year for the College. It was a year of arrivals and departure; seminars featuring engineering alumni; and new responsibilities for Dean Walden Rio. Engr. Dahlia Pescos and Engr. Smileta Grace Cuales arrived from training at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, while Engr. Ruben Armadillo and Engr. Edith Baldonado left for the same University.
Dean Rio attended an international conference in the U.S. while Engr. Felix Ojario was sent to train at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand.
The College hosted the first-ever National Congress on Civil Engineering. Then, a seminar workshop was held featuring Dr. Stephen Agunlana from AIT as guest professor. This was followed by the two more Civil Engineering Seminars, this time featuring alumni, namely, AIT- based Engr. Henry Abiera (BSCE 1986) on Geotechnical Engineering, and Engr. Vicente Golveo (BSCE 1957) from the USA on Structural Engineering. Seminars on Instrumentation and Micro Controllers were undertaken with Dr. Theodoro Robles (BSEE 1964), also from the USA, as resource person.
Dean Rio was named chairman of the Committee on Civil Engineering Curricula Revision in a Technical Panel for Engineering, Architecture and Marine Education (TPEAME) conference. He was also re-elected Vice-President for Visayas of the Philippine Association for Technological Education.
In 1977, a Php3M second floor extension of the laboratory building was constructed through the joint forces of CPU and DOST. At present, its room are being utilized as a computer laboratory.
Engr. Cirilo and Engr. Dany Molina were sent to the UNSW, Australia to pursue post-graduate studies.
1998 was another glorious year for the college. The first batch of ECE graduates made history when Modesto Trexine Cajita topped the ECE Board Examination and Romeo Baga placed 8th. A few weeks after, Winston Uy, outranked other board passers by placing first in the CE Board Examination.
The College of Engineering was again accredited Level III by PAASCU, during the resurvey last March 1999. In addition to this, the Commission on Higher Education awarded the Center of Development I Status (COD-I) for ChE, CE, EE, and ME disciplines.
Year 2000 saw the first batch of engineers off to Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), USA for further training, namely, Engrs. Alberto Java, Ernie Rey Robles II, Hernani Samson and Mr. Alejandro Manderico.
Also, the school year 2000-2001, witnessed the birth of yet another course born into the college-the Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. This has earned the College another place in Engineering History in the Philippines. It is the only school offering such course in our country. It seems to attract a growing number of enrollees by the year.
In March 2001, two engineers were again sent to MSOE, namely, Engrs. Caesar Rico Acanto and John Dandee Hechanova.
June 2001 saw the "adoption" of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, which was formerly under the College of Commerce, by the ever-growing engineering family.
Last August 15, 2001, Dr. Ted Robles (BSEE 1964) of MSOE conducted a national seminar on a digital logic software known as the Altera Max + Plus II attended by different engineering school in the Philippines and hosted by the EE/ECE department of CPU College of Engineering.
At sixty-five, the College is far from being plain old and gray. It is growing old gracefully, wiser and better. It offers five-year and six-year programs for Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Software Engineering; a four-year program in Computer Science; and a two-year Master of Engineering program.
YESTERDAY was a mine of golden memories. TOMORROW will be a day set for new beginnings. But TODAY is the all-important moment to reminisce, act, and dream.
The CPU College of Engineering will continue to excel as it keeps the faith in its vision and in the unchanging God who provides all its PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE blessings.
It is headed by Engr. Jeriel G. Militar as project manager.
The center covers the islands of Panay and Guimaras. Its main objective is to introduce, transfer, and encourage the use of technically and economically viable renewable energy systems throughout its area of coverage. CPU-AREC was established in December 1989 and is under the umbrella of the College of Engineering. It is jointly funded by Department of Energy and CPU.
Central Philippine University
Central Philippine University is a non-stock, non-profit Christian institution of higher learning in Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines. It was founded in 1905 by American Baptist missionaries as an elementary school for poor boys which eventually opened up a high school in 1920. It converted into...
. It was established in 1936 and currently headed by Engr. Dany C. Molina, Dean of Engineering.
(DOST/ESEP School for Western Visayas; accredited by PAASCU, Level III)
The CPU College of Engineering stands as a paragon of academic excellence. True to its epithet as a center of development, it has continued to produce quality graduates who have brought honor to its name.
Now, the college still stands holding forth the achieve of preeminence since the date of its foundation.
Three scores and five years have passed when Dr. Harland Stuart brought into existence the CPU College of Engineering. He dreamed to offer a general engineering course - a dream that is now a reality.
It was in 1945 when Prof. Juan Sornito was appointed as the dean of the college with 27 enrollees. Under his leadership, the college, starting with only the Civil Engineering course, rose from the ravages of war and the following years saw more enrollees.
In 1949, Dean Sornito joined forces with Prof. Lester Knox and the college graduated seven students with BSCE Degree after surviving the four strenuous years of study. The first graduates were Celedonio Buyco, Edmundo Cortez, Jimmy Hedriana, Silverio Montero, Romeo Portigo, Jorge Tamayo and Jose Tupaz.
Three years later, Jossette Garcia became the woman and first cum laude graduate.
The years saw the birth of three more disciplines, namely, Mechanical Engineering in 1955, Chemical Engineering in 1956, and Electrical Engineering in 1957. the first graduates for each of these programs were Juanito Fernandez, Alex Fulgencio, Eugenio Edgar Mana-ay, and Leonilo Robles (BSME);Nilda Balquin, Florita Cabafin and Timoteo Gan Jr. (BSChE); Rodolfo Sormieda, Rodolfo De Leon and Baltazar Nievares (BSSE).
Like two doting fathers, Dr. Knox and Prof. Sornito, still in partnership, establish an incentive for deserving students in 1965. This was the Quality Engineering Scholarship. Jose Azarcon Jr., Patricio Dionio and Virgilio Gotico were the first recipients.
In 1961, Prof. Sornito turned over the reins of deanship to Engr. Josette Garcia-Portigo. She contributed considerably to expanding the Engineering Library. She also supervised the fledging college paper, The CPU Engineer, which was the idea of then student governor, Alfonso Uy. Then building writer Miguel Veria was the first editor-in-chief.
Dr. Knox became dean in 1963 until 1965. He untiringly strengthened the College, especially the laboratories' equipment. He was succeeded by Prof Jorge Tamayo in 1965, the latter still upholding the quality of engineering education, which made the College different from other schools.
The succeeding years saw significant changes in the College. In 1965, the one-year Sanitary Engineering course was offered with three graduates. One could only enroll in this course after he has completed the CE course. However, this was abolished later due to an insufficient number of enrollees.
Dean Tamayo was named Vice - President for Administration in 1971 and Engr. Oseni Maribojo-Millamena was appointed officer-in-charge of the college. She was succeeded by Engr. Walden S. Rio in 1974. That same year, enrolment surpassed the 1,000 mark.
The graduates' board exam records were admirable thus far, but none had yet placed first - until one Vicente Balbin Jr., an EE graduate, achieve that honor in1976. He repeated the same performance five years later when he topped the board examination for Associate Electrical Engineers.
By God's guidance, the College continued to earn the respect of other institutions. In 1977, the Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF) chose it as one of the ten resource-based schools of engineering in the country.
With such recognition, came scholarship opportunities for the college's faculty. Engr. Edith Balboa-Baldonado, the first grantee earned her Master of Engineering Education degree at the University of the Philippines. Also through the EDPITAF, the Asian Development Bank and the Development Bank of the Philippines granted a 4 million-peso loan that was used to construct the present 3-storey Engineering Building. Until then, the college was house at the Technology Building beside the present P.E. Gym.
In 1980, the ever growing engineering family transferred to its new 3.6 million peso-3,791.6 sq.m. home beside the Franklin Hall.
Four years later, a revised curriculum for the four engineering disciplines was introduced to keep in step with technology. Computer subjects were added in the said curricula.
In 1985, the college again made news by making a 100% passing percentage in the Board Examinations for Civil Engineers. It was a fitting prelude to year-long Golden Jubilee Celebration of the college the following year. The first full accreditation granted by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) came in 1986, again a perfectly-timed gift for the 50-year old college.
In 1989, the Department of Energy Non-Conventional Energy Division singled out CPU College of Engineering as its affiliated Non-Conventional Energy Center (ANEC) in Western Visayas. It's main objective is to introduce, transfer and encourage the utilization of technically and economically viable non-conventional energy systems throughout the islands of Panay and Guimaras.
The year 1993 saw another addition to the Engineering family - the Electronics and Communication Engineering.
In 1994, PAASCU again granted Level III accreditation to the College.
The College holds many distinctions. It is a Priority Engineering Schools in Panay, a Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-ESEP School for Panay, a Center for Civil Engineering Education, and Heat Treatment Facility of the DOST.
It also a proud member of the organizations such as the Council of Engineering Schools in Western Visayas, the Philippine Association for Technological Education and the Association of Engineering Education in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.
The College is also in partnership with the distinguished agencies and institutions like the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand, the UNESCO-supported International Center for Engineering Education, the Consortium of ESEP Schools of Visayas and Mindanao, and the Consortium of PAASCU Engineering Schools, and Academic - Industry - Government Consortium in Iloilo City. Its reputation as a respected college has extended beyond the Philippine shores as evidenced by the steady influx of foreign students and her graduates now working in big companies here and abroad.
1996 proved to be another busy year for the College. It was a year of arrivals and departure; seminars featuring engineering alumni; and new responsibilities for Dean Walden Rio. Engr. Dahlia Pescos and Engr. Smileta Grace Cuales arrived from training at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, while Engr. Ruben Armadillo and Engr. Edith Baldonado left for the same University.
Dean Rio attended an international conference in the U.S. while Engr. Felix Ojario was sent to train at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand.
The College hosted the first-ever National Congress on Civil Engineering. Then, a seminar workshop was held featuring Dr. Stephen Agunlana from AIT as guest professor. This was followed by the two more Civil Engineering Seminars, this time featuring alumni, namely, AIT- based Engr. Henry Abiera (BSCE 1986) on Geotechnical Engineering, and Engr. Vicente Golveo (BSCE 1957) from the USA on Structural Engineering. Seminars on Instrumentation and Micro Controllers were undertaken with Dr. Theodoro Robles (BSEE 1964), also from the USA, as resource person.
Dean Rio was named chairman of the Committee on Civil Engineering Curricula Revision in a Technical Panel for Engineering, Architecture and Marine Education (TPEAME) conference. He was also re-elected Vice-President for Visayas of the Philippine Association for Technological Education.
In 1977, a Php3M second floor extension of the laboratory building was constructed through the joint forces of CPU and DOST. At present, its room are being utilized as a computer laboratory.
Engr. Cirilo and Engr. Dany Molina were sent to the UNSW, Australia to pursue post-graduate studies.
1998 was another glorious year for the college. The first batch of ECE graduates made history when Modesto Trexine Cajita topped the ECE Board Examination and Romeo Baga placed 8th. A few weeks after, Winston Uy, outranked other board passers by placing first in the CE Board Examination.
The College of Engineering was again accredited Level III by PAASCU, during the resurvey last March 1999. In addition to this, the Commission on Higher Education awarded the Center of Development I Status (COD-I) for ChE, CE, EE, and ME disciplines.
Year 2000 saw the first batch of engineers off to Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), USA for further training, namely, Engrs. Alberto Java, Ernie Rey Robles II, Hernani Samson and Mr. Alejandro Manderico.
Also, the school year 2000-2001, witnessed the birth of yet another course born into the college-the Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. This has earned the College another place in Engineering History in the Philippines. It is the only school offering such course in our country. It seems to attract a growing number of enrollees by the year.
In March 2001, two engineers were again sent to MSOE, namely, Engrs. Caesar Rico Acanto and John Dandee Hechanova.
June 2001 saw the "adoption" of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, which was formerly under the College of Commerce, by the ever-growing engineering family.
Last August 15, 2001, Dr. Ted Robles (BSEE 1964) of MSOE conducted a national seminar on a digital logic software known as the Altera Max + Plus II attended by different engineering school in the Philippines and hosted by the EE/ECE department of CPU College of Engineering.
At sixty-five, the College is far from being plain old and gray. It is growing old gracefully, wiser and better. It offers five-year and six-year programs for Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Software Engineering; a four-year program in Computer Science; and a two-year Master of Engineering program.
YESTERDAY was a mine of golden memories. TOMORROW will be a day set for new beginnings. But TODAY is the all-important moment to reminisce, act, and dream.
The CPU College of Engineering will continue to excel as it keeps the faith in its vision and in the unchanging God who provides all its PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE blessings.
Degree programs
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Packaging Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
Electrical Engineering / Electronics Engineering Department
Department Head: Engr. Ruben ArmadilloCPU-Affiliated Renewable Energy Center (AREC)
The CPU-AREC was formerly known as CPU-ANEC (Afilliated Non-Conventional Energy Center).It is headed by Engr. Jeriel G. Militar as project manager.
The center covers the islands of Panay and Guimaras. Its main objective is to introduce, transfer, and encourage the use of technically and economically viable renewable energy systems throughout its area of coverage. CPU-AREC was established in December 1989 and is under the umbrella of the College of Engineering. It is jointly funded by Department of Energy and CPU.
Diamond Jubilee
The College of Engineering will be celebrating its Diamond Jubilee, 75 years after its foundation (1936). The festivities are scheduled on August 22–27, 2011, a week before the CPU University Day."The CPU Engineer"
"The CPU Engineer" is the official student publication of the College of Engineering.http://www.thecpuengineer.wordpress.com