Centauro class fiscalization boat

The Centauro class fiscalization boats are the evolution of the previous Argos class, from which its previous name was Classe Argos - 2nd Series. The main difference from the previous Argos class is the naval, corrosion-resistant, aluminium hull.

This class is meant for fisheries fiscalization and control duties mainly on the Portuguese continental shores (some sporadic presence on Madeira Archipelago) up to 50 nautical miles (92.6 km).

This class is Portuguese-designed and built at the Arsenal do Alfeite and Estaleiros Navais do Mondego.

In 2007, one boat of this class, the NRP Sagitário, became the first Portuguese warship of the Portuguese Navy
Portuguese Navy
The Portuguese Navy is the naval branch of the Portuguese Armed Forces which, in cooperation and integrated with the other branches of the Portuguese military, is charged with the military defence of Portugal....

 with a female commander, the second lieutenant Gisela Antunes.


Pennant number
In the modern Royal Navy, and other navies of Europe and the Commonwealth, ships are identified by pennant numbers...

Name Commissioned
P1155 Centauro 21 March 2000
P1156 Oríon 27 March 2001
P1157 Pégaso 17 June 2000
P1158 Sagitário 27 March 2001

External links

Centauro class, Portuguese Navy website
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