The genus Cenoceras is a member of the Nautilidae, which in turn makes up part of the superfamily Nautilaceae
Cenoceras is variable in form, depending on species; ranges from evolute to involute, compressed lenticular to globose with rounded to flattened venter and flanks. The suture generally has shallow ventral and lateral lobes. The location of the siphuncle is variable, but never at an extreme ventral or dorsal position (Kümmel 1964, K449).
Cenoceras, described by Hyatt in 1884, has a range from the Upper Triassic to the Middle Jurassic. The genotype is Cenoceras intermedius (Sowerby).
The Nautilaceae is one of five superfamilies that make up the Nautilida according to Bernard Kummel , and the only one that survived past the Triassic. The Nautilaceae comprise six families: Nautilidae, Paracenoceratidae, Pseudonautilidae, Cymatoceratidae, Hercoglossidae, and Aturiidae...
Cenoceras is variable in form, depending on species; ranges from evolute to involute, compressed lenticular to globose with rounded to flattened venter and flanks. The suture generally has shallow ventral and lateral lobes. The location of the siphuncle is variable, but never at an extreme ventral or dorsal position (Kümmel 1964, K449).
Cenoceras, described by Hyatt in 1884, has a range from the Upper Triassic to the Middle Jurassic. The genotype is Cenoceras intermedius (Sowerby).