Casey Ellison
Casey Ellison is a former American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 child actor
Child actor
The term child actor or child actress is generally applied to a child acting in motion pictures or television, but also to an adult who began his or her acting career as a child; to avoid confusion, the latter is also called a former child actor...

 best known for his role as Allen Anderson on Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster was an American sitcom about a girl named Punky Brewster being raised by her foster parent...



He had a recurring minor role on Mr. Belvedere
Mr. Belvedere
Mr. Belvedere is an American sitcom that originally aired on ABC from March 15, 1985, until July 8, 1990. The series was based on the Lynn Aloysius Belvedere character created by Gwen Davenport for her 1947 novel Belvedere, which was later adapted into the 1948 film Sitting Pretty...

. Ellison has also guest starred on episodes of Newhart
Newhart is a television situation comedy starring comedian Bob Newhart and actress Mary Frann as an author and wife who owned and operated an inn located in a small, rural Vermont town that was home to many eccentric characters. The show aired on the CBS network from October 25, 1982 to May 21, 1990...

, 21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street is an American police procedural crime drama television series that aired on the Fox Network from April 12, 1987, to April 27, 1991, with a total of 103 episodes. The series focused on a squad of youthful-looking undercover police officers investigating crimes in high schools,...

, and The Wonder Years
The Wonder Years
The Wonder Years is an American television comedy-drama created by Carol Black and Neal Marlens. It ran for six seasons on ABC from 1988 through 1993. The pilot aired on January 31, 1988 after ABC's coverage of Super Bowl XXII....

. His most recent acting role was in the 2002 horror film Head Hunter.


Year Film Role Notes
2002 Head Hunter Pete Direct-to-DVD release
Direct-to-video is a term used to describe a film that has been released to the public on home video formats without being released in film theaters or broadcast on television...

Year Title Role Notes
1984–1987 Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster was an American sitcom about a girl named Punky Brewster being raised by her foster parent...

Allen Anderson 24 episodes
1985–1986 It's Punky Brewster
It's Punky Brewster
It's Punky Brewster is an animated spin off of the live action television show Punky Brewster. The show was animated by Ruby-Spears Productions.-Synopsis:...

Allen Anderson (Voice) 26 episodes
1985–1988 Mr. Belvedere
Mr. Belvedere
Mr. Belvedere is an American sitcom that originally aired on ABC from March 15, 1985, until July 8, 1990. The series was based on the Lynn Aloysius Belvedere character created by Gwen Davenport for her 1947 novel Belvedere, which was later adapted into the 1948 film Sitting Pretty...

Miles Knobnoster 11 episodes
1986 Foofur
Foofur is a children's animated series made by Hanna-Barbera and Freddy Monnickendam. It aired on NBC from 1986 to 1988. The protagonist and title character was a skinny blue dog. The animated series was produced in part by William Hanna...

Voice 4 episodes
1987 Newhart
Newhart is a television situation comedy starring comedian Bob Newhart and actress Mary Frann as an author and wife who owned and operated an inn located in a small, rural Vermont town that was home to many eccentric characters. The show aired on the CBS network from October 25, 1982 to May 21, 1990...

1 episode
1989 The Ryan White Story Heath Television movie
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street is an American police procedural crime drama television series that aired on the Fox Network from April 12, 1987, to April 27, 1991, with a total of 103 episodes. The series focused on a squad of youthful-looking undercover police officers investigating crimes in high schools,...

Young Jack Archer 1 episode
CBS Schoolbreak Special
After school special
The American Broadcasting Company coined the term after school special in 1972 with a series of made for television movies, usually dealing with controversial or socially relevant issues, that were generally broadcast in the late afternoon and meant to be viewed by school age children, particularly...

Karl 1 episode
The Munsters Today
The Munsters Today
The Munsters Today is an American sitcom that aired in syndication from 1988 to 1991. The series served as a sequel to the 1960s sitcom The Munsters.-Production:...

Brad Penmann 1 episode
1990 The Wonder Years
The Wonder Years
The Wonder Years is an American television comedy-drama created by Carol Black and Neal Marlens. It ran for six seasons on ABC from 1988 through 1993. The pilot aired on January 31, 1988 after ABC's coverage of Super Bowl XXII....

Mark Bernstein 1 episode
1991 Perfect Harmony
Perfect Harmony
Perfect Harmony is a Disney movie that is set in the US Civil Rights era. The story highlights the racial tensions of the Black and White populations within a South Carolina town and its private school. The production was filmed at Berry College, and is noted for its soundtrack which featured...

Orville Television movie
Christmas on Division Street Derek Withers Television movie

Award nominations

Year Award Result Category Series
1986 Young Artist Awards Nominated Best Young Supporting Actor in a Television Series Punky Brewster
1988 Best Animation Voice Over Group It's Punky Brewster (Shared with Teddy Field III, Ami Foster
Ami Foster
Ami Foster is a former American child actress. Foster is best remembered for playing Margeaux Kramer on the American television program Punky Brewster.-Biography:...

, Soleil Moon Frye
Soleil Moon Frye
Soleil Moon Frye is an American actress, director and screenwriter. Frye is best known for her childhood role as the title character in sitcom Punky Brewster, and as Roxie King in Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.-Early life:...

, and Cherie Johnson
Cherie Johnson
Cherie Johnson is an American actress. She is best known for her roles on Punky Brewster and the long-running situation comedy show Family Matters, where she plays Laura Winslow's best friend Maxine "Max" Johnson. In 2009, she wrote, starred and produced the independent film I Do... I Did!,...


External links

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