Case Management Society of America

Established in 1990, the Case Management Society of America (CMSA) is an international non-profit 501(c)(6) multi-disciplinary professional association dedicated to the support and advancement of the case management profession through educational forums, networking opportunities, legislative advocacy and establishing standards. Based in Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Rock is the capital and the largest city of the U.S. state of Arkansas. The Metropolitan Statistical Area had a population of 699,757 people in the 2010 census...
, the organization serves over 20,000 members/subscribers and 70 affiliate and pending chapters.
Definition of Case Management
According to CMSA, the term "case management" is defined as "Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality costeffective outcomes."http://www.cmsa.org/Home/CMSA/WhatisaCaseManager/tabid/224/Default.aspxCMSA vision and mission
The CMSA mission is "to positively impact and improve patient wellbeing and healthcare outcomes" educating consumers and medical industry professionals and policymakers about what case and care managers provide."We envision case managers as pioneers of healthcare change...key initiators of and participants in the healthcare team who open up new areas of thought...research and development...leading the way toward the day when every American will know what a case/care manager does and will know how to access case and care management services."http://www.cmsa.org/Home/CMSA/OurMissionVision/tabid/226/Default.aspx