Carol Loomis
Carol Junge Loomis is an American financial journalist
A journalist collects and distributes news and other information. A journalist's work is referred to as journalism.A reporter is a type of journalist who researchs, writes, and reports on information to be presented in mass media, including print media , electronic media , and digital media A...

, and editor-at-large at Fortune
Fortune (magazine)
Fortune is a global business magazine published by Time Inc. Founded by Henry Luce in 1930, the publishing business, consisting of Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated, grew to become Time Warner. In turn, AOL grew as it acquired Time Warner in 2000 when Time Warner was the world's largest...


She attended Drury College, and graduated from the University of Missouri
University of Missouri
The University of Missouri System is a state university system providing centralized administration for four universities, a health care system, an extension program, five research and technology parks, and a publishing press. More than 64,000 students are currently enrolled at its four campuses...

, with a Bachelor of Journalism degree in 1951.

In 1966, she coined the term "hedge fund
Hedge fund
A hedge fund is a private pool of capital actively managed by an investment adviser. Hedge funds are only open for investment to a limited number of accredited or qualified investors who meet criteria set by regulators. These investors can be institutions, such as pension funds, university...

" in Fortune.
In 1976, she was appointed to the Advisory Committee on Federal Consolidated Financial Statements.
In 1980, she was one of six panelists at the presidential debates of Ronald Reagan and John Anderson.

For many years she has been widely regarded as the business journalist on closest terms with multi-billionaire Warren Buffett.


  • 1993 Gerald M. Loeb Lifetime Achievement Award
  • 2000 Women's Economic Round Table award for print journalists
  • 2001 Time Inc.'s Henry R. Luce Award
  • 2006 Distinguished Achievement Award, Society of American Business Editors and Writers


External links

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