Card Verifiable Certificate
Card Verifiable Certificates (CVC) are digital certificates that are designed to be processed by devices with limited computing power such as smart cards.
This is achieved by using simple TLV (Tag Length Value) encoding with fixed fields. Fixed fields means that each field in the certificate is of fixed, or maximum, length and each field comes in a well defined order. This makes parsing easy, in contrast to asn.1 parsing which requires more processing and has to keep fields in memory while parsing nested content.

CVC is used by the third generation ePassports implementing Extended Access Control (EAC).

There are open source implementations for processing EAC/CVC certificates:
    Enterprise Java Bean Certificate Authority, or ', is a free software public key infrastructure certificate authority software package maintained and sponsored by the Swedish for-profit company PrimeKey Solutions AB, which holds the copyright to most of the codebase...

  • JMRTD,
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