Capability (systems engineering)
A Capability, in the systems engineering sense, is defined as the ability to execute a specified course of action. A capability may or may not be accompanied by an intention. The term Capability is used in the defense industry
Defense industry
The defense industry, also called the military industry, comprises government and commercial industry involved in research, development, production, and service of military materiel, equipment and facilities...

 but also in private industry (e.g. Gap analysis
Gap analysis
In business and economics, gap analysis is a tool that helps companies compare actual performance with potential performance. At its core are two questions: "Where are we?" and "Where do we want to be?" If a company or organization does not make the best use of current resources, or forgoes...


Capability Gap Analysis

The Joint Capabilities Integration Development System
Joint Capabilities Integration Development System
The Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, or JCIDS, isthe formal United States Department of Defense procedure which definesacquisition requirements and evaluation criteria for future defenseprograms...

 is an important part of DoD
United States Department of Defense
The United States Department of Defense is the U.S...

 military planning. The "Operation of the JCIDS" introduces a Capability Based Analysis (CBA) process that includes identification of capability gaps. In essence, a Capability Gap Analysis is the determination of needed capabilities that do not yet exist. The Department of Defense Architecture Framework
Department of Defense Architecture Framework
The Department of Defense Architecture Framework is an architecture framework for the United States Department of Defense, that provides structure for a specific stakeholder concern through viewpoints organized by various views....

 (DoDAF) suggests the use of the Operational Activity Model (OV-5) in conducting a CGA.

See also

  • Capability Management
    Capability management
    Capability management is a high-level integrative management function, with particular application in the context of defence.- Overview :Capability management aims to balance economy in meeting current operational requirements, with the sustainable use of current capabilities, and the development...

  • Department of Defense Architecture Framework
    Department of Defense Architecture Framework
    The Department of Defense Architecture Framework is an architecture framework for the United States Department of Defense, that provides structure for a specific stakeholder concern through viewpoints organized by various views....

     (DoDAF) Operational Activity Model (OV-5)
  • Department of Defense Architecture Framework
    Department of Defense Architecture Framework
    The Department of Defense Architecture Framework is an architecture framework for the United States Department of Defense, that provides structure for a specific stakeholder concern through viewpoints organized by various views....

     (DoDAF) Operational Event-Trace Description (OV-6c)
  • Joint Capabilities Integration Development System
    Joint Capabilities Integration Development System
    The Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System, or JCIDS, isthe formal United States Department of Defense procedure which definesacquisition requirements and evaluation criteria for future defenseprograms...

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