Canon Palmtronic LE-80M
The Canon Palmtronic LE-80M is an early hand held calculator. It was manufactured by Canon inc. it retailed in 1973 for $138.45.

Probitas laudatur et alget

Honesty is praised and starves.

No one shall be a thief by my co-operation.

III, line 46.

Dat veniam corvis, vexat censura columbas.

Censure pardons the raven, but is visited upon the dove.

Nemo repente fuit turpissimus.

No man ever became extremely wicked all at once.

Nil habet infelix paupertas durius in se, quam quod ridiculos homines facit.

Bitter poverty has no harder pang than that it makes men ridiculous.

Haut facile emergunt quorum virtutibus opstat res angusta domi.

It is not easy for men to rise whose qualities are thwarted by poverty.

Vitam impendere vero.

Dedicate one’s life to truth.

Hic vivimus ambitiosa paupertate omnes.

We all live in a state of ambitious poverty.

Nunc patimur longae pacis mala, saevior armisluxuria incubuit victumque ulciscitur orbem.

We are now suffering the evils of a long peace. Luxury, more deadly than war, broods over the city, and avenges a conquered world.
