Calf Point
Calf Point is a point between the terminus of Nielsen Glacier
Nielsen Glacier
Nielsen Glacier is a glacier, 4 nautical miles long, discharging into the west side of Robertson Bay just west of Calf Point, northern Victoria Land. First charted by the British Antarctic Expedition, 1898–1900, under C.E. Borchgrevink, who named it for Professor Yngvar Nielsen of Christiania...

 and Penelope Point
Penelope Point
Penelope Point is a bold rock headland between Nielsen Glacier and Scott Keltie Glacier on the north coast of Victoria Land. First charted by the Northern Party, led by Campbell, of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-13. Named by them after the nickname "Penelope" given to Lieutenant Harry...

 on the west shore of Robertson Bay
Robertson Bay
Robertson Bay is a large, roughly triangular bay that indents the north coast of Victoria Land between Cape Barrow and Cape Adare. Discovered in 1841 by Captain James Clark Ross, Royal Navy, who named it for Dr. John Robertson, Surgeon on the HMS Terror....

, northern Victoria Land
Victoria Land
Victoria Land is a region of Antarctica bounded on the east by the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and on the west by Oates Land and Wilkes Land. It was discovered by Captain James Clark Ross in January 1841 and named after the UK's Queen Victoria...

. It was charted and named in 1911 by the Northern Party, led by Victor Campbell
Victor Campbell
Victor Lindsay Arbuthnot Campbell DSO & Bar, OBE , was a British sailor and renowned explorer.-Terra Nova expedition:In 1910, he was First Officer on Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova expedition...

, of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910–13, and named because of the great number of young seal
Pinnipeds or fin-footed mammals are a widely distributed and diverse group of semiaquatic marine mammals comprising the families Odobenidae , Otariidae , and Phocidae .-Overview: Pinnipeds are typically sleek-bodied and barrel-shaped...

s, known as calves, seen here.
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