CPCS is a non-profit civic initiative that was established in 2001 and was registered in 2005 at Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. It was established by a group of scholars and practitioners from diverse backgrounds ranging from politics to media and academia to writers and intellectuals. CPCS is an independent think-tank that works for strengthening the political and civil society based on principles of democracy, freedom, secularism and social justice. CPCS works with political parties, youth, women, mass media and other non-governmental institutions. CPCS has placed a unique example of creativity, credibility and commitment through civic courage, transparent practices and highest professional standards.
“Strengthen citizens and civil society based on freedom, equality and social justice”. CPCS strives for
CPCS is working since 2001, and have served in the field of Politics, Literacy, Education, Human Rights, Gov't Policies and other Social and Civic issues of Sindh and Pakistan. CPCS works with Political Parties, Youth, Civil Society and other Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations.Vision
Organizations’ Mission/Vision Statement:“Strengthen citizens and civil society based on freedom, equality and social justice”. CPCS strives for
- Sustainable democracy and democratic federalism in Pakistan on the basis of 1940 Lahore Resolution and national autonomy
- Political and Human Rights
- Rule of Law
- Secularism
- Gender Equality
Main Objectives and Aims
- Political and Civic education of youth and women to enhance their active participation and develop their vibrant political role in society.
- Organize civic responses through institutional support to engage civil society in democratic political process
- Create organized linkages and civic mechanisms to bridge the gap of political understanding among change actors like political parties, media , academia and civil society
- Sensitize citizens to create critical mass to strengthen strong political and secular society
- Profess the continuity of arguments and dialogue to rationalize conflicts and create space to develop strong democratic political culture in society
- Create awareness among citizens for political rights through advocacy, action research and media and develop civic mechanisms for access to information
- Promote civil society education and producing quality political literature through publications
- To highlight and address public litigation cases through media, citizens and judiciary
- Develop policy alternatives from citizen’s perspective through continuous dialogue and action research
- Coordinate among local, regional and global civil society to promote G-lo-calization
- Conduct qualitative and quantitative research, field/baseline surveys, external monitoring and evaluation, training and advocacy programs.
Areas of Expertise
- Research ( Field/baseline Surveys, Verification Surveys, Action/ qualitative and quantitative Research,)
- External Monitoring and Evaluation of projects and programs
- Strategic Planning and organizational development
- Training and Advocacy
- Research based documentation, reporting and publications.
- Political and civic education