CODA Content Delivery Architecture


CODA - Content Delivery Architecture - from Cambridge Visual Networks Limited (Camvine) is both a digital signage
Digital signage
Digital signage is a form of electronic display that shows television programming, menus, information, advertising and other messages. Digital signs can be found in public and private environments, such as retail stores, hotels, restaurants and corporate buildings.Digital signage Displays are most...

product and a platform. The product is a media player with a ‘drag and drop’ web-based content management system. As a platform, CODA is a customisable system for partners to tailor solutions for different applications.

Content sources supported include images, video in various formats, Flash, PowerPoint, PDFs, web pages, calendars and web cams. It also connects to real-time information such as RSS news, weather and traffic information, as well as social media and business applications.

CODA is used by businesses, schools, retail stores and media networks to create their own playlists and run their own communication channels.
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