The European Commission of the Nobility
under the name CILANE ("Commission d'information et de liaison des associations nobles d'Europe") was established in 1959, April, foremost for the exchange of experiences and information about developments in its member Associations.
The CILANE has no "president" but rather a Coordinator elected for three years. His role is to prepare and conduct the spring and autumn sessions of the CILANE and to carry out its decisions. It enables each national associations to carry out projects together. It helds an international congress every three year.
The spring session takes traditionally in Paris, the seat of the CILANE. In autumn the sessions are held in one of the other member countries.
The delegates represent their Nobility Associations at the CILANE for the following countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Papal Nobility, United Kingdom, Denmark and Hungary
Nobility is a social class which possesses more acknowledged privileges or eminence than members of most other classes in a society, membership therein typically being hereditary. The privileges associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles, or may be...
under the name CILANE ("Commission d'information et de liaison des associations nobles d'Europe") was established in 1959, April, foremost for the exchange of experiences and information about developments in its member Associations.
The CILANE has no "president" but rather a Coordinator elected for three years. His role is to prepare and conduct the spring and autumn sessions of the CILANE and to carry out its decisions. It enables each national associations to carry out projects together. It helds an international congress every three year.
The spring session takes traditionally in Paris, the seat of the CILANE. In autumn the sessions are held in one of the other member countries.
The delegates represent their Nobility Associations at the CILANE for the following countries: Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Papal Nobility, United Kingdom, Denmark and Hungary
Members and links
- Belgium: Association de la Noblesse du Royaume de Belgique (ANRB) http://www.anrb-vakb.be
- Denmark: Dansk Adels-Forening (DAF)
- Germany: Vereinigung der Deutschen Adelsverbände (VdDA)
- Finland: Maison de la Noblesse Finlandaise-Riddarhuset http://www.riddarhuset.fi
- France: Association d'entraide de la Noblesse Française (ANF):fr:Association d'entraide de la noblesse francaise
- Hungary: created October 2006
- United Kingdom: Association for Armigerous Families of Great Britain (AFGB)
- Italy: Corpo della Nobilita Italianahttp://www.cnicg.net/ (CM)
- Malta: (created April 2008)
- Netherlands: Nederlands Adelvereniging (NAV)
- Papal States: Réunion de la Noblesse Pontificale (RNP)
- Portugal: Associação da Nobreza Histórica Portugal (ANHP)
- Russia: Union de la Noblesse Russe (UNR) http://www.noblesse-russie.org/
- Sweden: Maison de la Noblesse Suédoise-Riddarhuset
- Switzerland: Association de Familles Suisses (AFS)