CESG Listed Advisor Scheme
The CESG Listed Adviser Scheme is a programme run by CESG, to provide a pool of information assurance
Information Assurance
Information assurance is the practice of managing risks related to the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information or data and the systems and processes used for those purposes...

 consultants to government departments and other public-sector bodies in the UK
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...


CLAS consultants advise on systems that handle protectively marked information, up to and including secret; for instance, they may advise on GSI
Government Secure Intranet
Government Secure intranet is a UK government wide area network, whose main purpose is to enable connected organisations to communicate electronically and securely at low protective marking levels.- Use of GSi :...

 accreditation. CLAS consultants hold a security clearance, at least SC.

CLAS consultants may develop risk assessments in line with IS1
HMG Infosec Standard No.1
HMG Information Assurance Standard No.1, usually abbreviated to IS1, is a security standard applied to government computer systems in the UK....

, and Risk Management and Accreditation Document Set(s) (RMADS) in line with IS2.

As of 2011, entry to CLAS is closed; a replacement system is being designed.

External Links

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