CEL may stand for:
  • Carboxyl ester lipase or bile salt dependent lipase, an enzyme used in digestion
  • Check engine light
    Check Engine light
    A malfunction indicator lamp , commonly referred to as the "Check Engine Light", is a tell-tale to indicate malfunction of a computerized engine management system. It is found on the instrument panel of most automobiles. When illuminated, it is typically either an amber or red color...

    , a malfunction indicator lamp
  • Chemin de Fer de l'Etat Libanais, the national railway network of the Lebanon
  • Communications and Entertainment Limited
    Communications and Entertainment Limited
    Communications and Entertainment Limited was an Australian home video cassette distributor in the 1980s. They were originally known as Publishing and Broadcasting Video .-History:...

    , a defunct Australian home video company
  • Comunidade do Escutismo Lusófono
    Comunidade do Escutismo Lusófono
    The Comunidade do Escutismo Lusófono is the international community of the Scouting organizations in the Lusophone countries...

    , the international community for scouting in Lusophone countries
  • Chronic eosinophilic leukemia
    Chronic eosinophilic leukemia
    Chronic eosinophilic leukemia is a disease in which too many eosinophils are found in the bone marrow, blood, and other tissues. CEL may stay the same for many years, or it may progress quickly to acute leukemia. It is generally caused by overactivation of the oncogene PDGFRA through a chromosome...

    , an extremely rare cancer of the white blood cells

Cel may refer to:
  • Cel
    A cel, short for celluloid, is a transparent sheet on which objects are drawn or painted for traditional, hand-drawn animation. Actual celluloid was used during the first half of the 20th century, but since it was flammable and dimensionally unstable it was largely replaced by cellulose acetate...

    , a transparent sheet on which objects are drawn or painted for animation purposes
  • Cel programming language
    Cel programming language
    Cel is an object-oriented prototype-based programming language based on Self and Smalltalk. As of 2002 it is no longer being supported or developed, butthe code is freely available and functional. The language was started by Dru Nelson in 1998....

  • Cel Publishing, an imprint of VDM Publishing devoted to the reproduction of Wikipedia content
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.