CAST Application Intelligence Platform
The CAST Application Intelligence Platform (AIP) is an automated system for measuring the quality and size of business applications. It is made by CAST Inc., based in Meudon in France. The AIP inspects the source code, identifies and tracks quality issues, and provides the data to monitor development performance. The focus of the solution is to analyze multiple tiers and multiple technologies of a business application and measure quality and adherence to architectural and coding standards, while providing visual specification models. Managers get real-time access to this information via a web interface (the Application Governance Dashboard). Managers and developers can identify application issues before the application is put into production. CAST Inc. is a member of The Consortium for IT Software Quality
The Consortium for IT Software Quality is an IT industry leadership group comprising IT executives from the Global 2000, system integrators, outsourced service providers, and software technology vendors committed to making dramatic improvements in the quality of IT application software.Jointly...