
Biarmosuchia, also known as Eotitanosuchia and Phthinosuchia, is an assemblage of primitive Permian therapsids that represent either a paraphyletic stem group or a very early off-shoot of the main therapsid tree....
n clade that lived in the Permian
The PermianThe term "Permian" was introduced into geology in 1841 by Sir Sir R. I. Murchison, president of the Geological Society of London, who identified typical strata in extensive Russian explorations undertaken with Edouard de Verneuil; Murchison asserted in 1841 that he named his "Permian...
Period. This family contains Bullacephalus
Bullacephalus is an extinct genus of non-mammalian synapsid. It is known from a relatively complete skull and lower jaw, discovered in the Late Permian Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone of the Beaufort Group of South Africa. Bullacephalus is also morphologically the least derived of the...
, Burnetia
Burnetia is an extinct genus of therapsid or mammal-like "reptile" belonging to the Burnetiid family, which itself belongs to the Biarmosuchian suborder. Burnetia is known so far from a single holotype skull lacking the lower jaws described by Broom in 1923. The skull is from the Dicynodon Zone...
, Lemurosaurus
Lemurosaurus is an extinct genus of therapsid that belonged to Biarmosuchia...
, Lobalopex
Lobalopex is an extinct genus of therapsid or mammal-like "reptile" belonging to the Burnetiid family, which itself belongs to the Biarmosuchian suborder....
, Niuksenitia
Niuksenitia is an extinct genus of gorgonopsid. It lived in the Permian period....
, Paraburnetia
Paraburnetia is an extinct genus of therapsid or mammal-like "reptile" belonging to the Burnetiid family, which itself belongs to the Biarmosuchian suborder....
and Proburnetia
Proburnetia is an extinct genus of therapsid or mammal-like "reptile" belonging to the Burnetiid family, which itself belongs to the Biarmosuchian suborder. It had bizarre bumps and protrusions on its skull. It lived in Lopingian epoch of Russia....