BunnyRanch Two
The Love Ranch is a legal, licensed brothel
Brothels are business establishments where patrons can engage in sexual activities with prostitutes. Brothels are known under a variety of names, including bordello, cathouse, knocking shop, whorehouse, strumpet house, sporting house, house of ill repute, house of prostitution, and bawdy house...

 located about 7 miles east of Carson City, Nevada
Carson City, Nevada
The Consolidated Municipality of Carson City is the capital of the state of Nevada. The words Consolidated Municipality refer to a series of changes in 1969 which abolished Ormsby County and merged all the settlements contained within its borders into Carson City. Since that time Carson City has...

 in the unincorporated town of Mound House, in Lyon County
Lyon County, Nevada
Lyon County is a county located in the U.S. state of Nevada. As of the 2010 census, the population was 51,980. Its county seat is Yerington.-History:...

, at 95 Kit Kat Drive.

It sits along the southeast side of a loop at the south end of Kit Kat Drive, which also is the home to two competing brothels: the Kit Kat Guest Ranch
Kit Kat Guest Ranch
The Kit Kat Guest Ranch is a legal, licensed brothel located about 7 miles east of Carson City in the unincorporated town of Mound House, in Lyon County, at 51 Kit Kat Drive ....

 and the Sagebrush Ranch
Sagebrush Ranch
The Sagebrush Ranch is a legal, licensed brothel located about 7 miles east of Carson City, Nevada in the unincorporated town of Mound House, in Lyon County, at 50 Kit Kat Drive....



Formerly known under several variations of the name Kitty's, this brothel is owned by Dennis Hof
Dennis Hof
Dennis Hof is an American pimp, entrepreneur, and restaurateur. He is best known as the former, owning two brothels in Nevada. His brothels are in Moundhouse, Nevada, a few minutes outside Carson City, less than an hour by car from Reno, Nevada...

. Mr. Hof is best known as the star of HBO's "Cathouse"
Cathouse: The Series
Cathouse: The Series is an HBO television series that documents the professional lives of the workers at the Moonlite BunnyRanch, a legal brothel in Nevada....

 and proprietor of the nearby Moonlite BunnyRanch
Moonlite Bunny Ranch
The Moonlite BunnyRanch is a legal, licensed brothel in Mound House, Nevada, United States, east of Carson City. The ranch is owned and operated by Dennis Hof...

, which is located about a mile to the north. Hof reportedly renamed this operation in 2004 to better take advantage of the "BunnyRanch brand name", which he has heavily promoted. In June 2008, this house was again renamed, this time as The Love Ranch, in order to build a unique identity for the brothel.

Name history

  • Madame Kitty's Fantasy Ranch (prior to 1998)
  • Miss Kitty's Cathouse (1998 - late 2002)
  • Kitty's Pussycat Lounge (Late 2002 through February 2004)
  • BunnyRanch Two (February 2004 - August 2008)
  • The Love Ranch (August 2008 – Present)

External links

  • http://www.loveranch.net/
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