Bunk Off (The Inbetweeners)
"Bunk Off" is the second episode of the first series of The Inbetweeners
The Inbetweeners
The Inbetweeners is a British sitcom which aired for three series from 2008 to 2010 on E4. Created and written by Damon Beesley and Iain Morris, the show follows the life of suburban teenager Will , and three of his friends at the fictional Rudge Park Comprehensive. The Inbetweeners Movie was...

. It first aired on 1 May 2008 on E4, along with the first episode. When first broadcast, viewing figures slumped down to 321,000. This episode follows the boys as they bunk off school for a day.


The episode starts with Will and Simon meeting up and faking (poorly) to Mr Gilbert that they are both ill. They meet up with Jay and Neil, and Will manages to buy them all alcohol despite being underage.

After this they head back to Neil's house and begin drinking. To their surprise, Neil's dad walks in, but Will, who is drunk, bullies Neil's dad about his alleged homosexuality by inventing the term "Bumder" (which he later explains is a cross between a bummer and a bender). Neil's dad is furious, and the boys are thrown out.

Simon then realises he loves his childhood friend Carli D'Amato and is desperate to tell her. They go round to Carli's house and, after some convincing from Will and Jay, he sprays "I love Carli D'Amato" on her driveway in spray paint, only to be embarrassed when Carli and her friends turn up. However, when Carli sees Simon's friends laughing at him for his elaborate gesture, she invites him to her house, where he gets drunk and ends up throwing up on her little brother.

The episode ends the next day at school with Simon and Will outside the headteacher's office.


  • Simon Bird
    Simon Bird
    Simon Antony Bird is an actor, writer and comedian. He is best known for playing Will McKenzie in E4’s BAFTA-winning TV comedy The Inbetweeners.-Early life:...

     as Will McKenzie
  • Joe Thomas
    Joe Thomas (actor)
    Joseph "Joe" Thomas is an English actor perhaps best known for his role as Simon Cooper in the E4's comedy The Inbetweeners...

     as Simon Cooper
  • James Buckley
    James Buckley (actor)
    James Patrick Buckley is an English actor, best known for his roles as Jay Cartwright in the British comedy The Inbetweeners and Derek "Del Boy" Trotter in Rock & Chips.-Early life:...

     as Jay Cartwright
  • Blake Harrison
    Blake Harrison
    Blake Harrison is an English actor who is most well known for playing Neil Sutherland in the E4 comedy The Inbetweeners....

     as Neil Sutherland
  • Emily Head
    Emily Head
    Emily Rose Head is an English actress, best known for playing Carli D'Amato in E4's sitcom, The Inbetweeners.-Early life:Head was born in London on December 15, 1988 to parents Anthony Head and Sarah Fisher...

     as Carli D'Amato
  • Greg Davies
    Greg Davies
    Greg Davies is a British stand-up comedian, actor, and former teacher, best known for his roles as Greg in We Are Klang and Mr. Gilbert in The Inbetweeners. He has performed on the BBC's Live at the Apollo series....

     as Phil Gilbert

External links

  • "Bunk Off" at E4.com
  • "Bunk Off" at the British Comedy Guide
    British Comedy Guide
    The British Comedy Guide or BCG is a British website covering all forms of British comedy, across all media. At the time of writing, the BCG has published guides to more than 1,200 individual British comedies - primarily TV and radio situation comedy, sketch shows, comedy dramas, satire, variety...

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