Building a Fire


  • Mae Hotely
    Mae Hotely
    Mae Hotely was an American silent film actress. She appeared in 85 films between 1911 and 1929.She was married to the film director Arthur Hotaling...

     - Maggie
  • Julia Calhoun - Mrs. Jones
  • Jerold T. Hevener
    Jerold T. Hevener
    Jerold T. Hevener was an American film actor and director. He appeared in 36 films and directed a further 18 between 1912 and 1917.He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.-As an actor:* A Terrible Tragedy...

     - Mr. Jones
  • Oliver Hardy
    Oliver Hardy
    Oliver Hardy was an American comic actor famous as one half of Laurel and Hardy, the classic double act that began in the era of silent films and lasted nearly 30 years, from 1927 to 1955.-Early life:...

    - Policeman (as Babe Hardy)
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