Buckeridge Group of Companies
Buckeridge Group of Companies, usually abbreviated as BGC, is a consortium of construction and building-related companies operating primarily in Western Australia. It is the largest privately owned company in Australia, and is owned entirely by the founder, Len Buckeridge.


The companies that make up BGC are the following:

BGC Asphalt

BGC Blokpave

BGC Blokstone

BGC Brikmakers

BGC Builders Supplies

BGC Cement

BGC Cemtech

BGC Clay

BGC Commercial Windows

BGC Concrete

BGC Fibre Cement

BGC Insulation

BGC Metal Roofing

BGC Plasterboard

BGC Plumbing

BGC Quarries

BGC Steel

BGC Transport

Affinity Windows


Automated Surveys

Harmony Roof Tiles

Each company provides the product that is suggested by its name. The varied nature of the companies that make up BGC mean that the company is largely self-sufficient, able to carry out building projects without needing to purchase materials or labour from other companies.
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