Would you mind NOT shooting at the thermonuclear weapons?
How many times do I have to say it? Please don't shoot the nuclear weapons.
If a thought ever went through his head it'd be the quickest trip in North America.
[after the explosion] I said, Goddamn! What a rush!
I do appreciate the money that you and your associates have invested in this operation, but it is an operation. It's a military operation. And you don't know dick about that. I've been in the military for 20 years. I planned and flew over 100 missions in the Gulf.
[while fighting with Hale] You're bleeding. That's good. Let's see if we can't get any more out of you.
Used to be every fight went to a knockout. You know how it feels like to be knocked out?
Your brain presses against your skull, and it feels like this [presses on Hale's temple and scowls].
Battle is a highly fluid situation. You plan on your contingencies, and I have. You keep your initiatives, and I will. One thing you don't do is share command. It's never a good idea.
The clock is ticking.