Broad Valley
Broad Valley is a descriptive name for the broad glacier
A glacier is a large persistent body of ice that forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation over many years, often centuries. At least 0.1 km² in area and 50 m thick, but often much larger, a glacier slowly deforms and flows due to stresses induced by its weight...

-filled valley
In geology, a valley or dale is a depression with predominant extent in one direction. A very deep river valley may be called a canyon or gorge.The terms U-shaped and V-shaped are descriptive terms of geography to characterize the form of valleys...

 on the south side of Laclavere Plateau
Laclavere Plateau
Laclavere Plateau is a plateau, 10 nautical miles long and from 1 to 3 nautical miles wide, rising to 1,035 m between Misty Pass and Theodolite Hill, Trinity Peninsula. The plateau rises south of Schmidt Peninsula and the Chilean scientific station, General Bernardo O'Higgins...

, Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula
Trinity Peninsula is the extreme northern portion of the Antarctic Peninsula, extending northeastward for about from a line connecting Cape Kjellman and Cape Longing. Dating back more than a century, chartmakers used various names for this portion of the Antarctic peninsula, each name having some...

. The name was suggested by V.I. Russell of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey following his survey in 1946.
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