British Shakespeare Association
The British Shakespeare Association is a professional association of teachers, researchers, theatre practitioners, community workers and other professions who work with the plays of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon"...

. The BSA has run four biennial international conferences, the most recent of which was held at King's College
King's College London
King's College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom and a constituent college of the federal University of London. King's has a claim to being the third oldest university in England, having been founded by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829, and...

, London
London is the capital city of :England and the :United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. Located on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its...

, in 2009. The BSA's patron is Dame Judi Dench. The British Shakespeare Association has its own journal
__FORCETOC__A journal has several related meanings:* a daily record of events or business; a private journal is usually referred to as a diary....

, Shakespeare, which is published four times a year online and once a year in print.

External links

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