British Crop Production Council
The British Crop Production Council (BCPC) is an organisation that promotes the use of good science and technology in the understanding and application of effective and sustainable crop production. BCPC is a Registered Charity and a Company limited by Guarantee.
Its key objectives are to:
Identify developing issues in the science and practice of crop protection and production, and provide informed, independent analysis and views on these to opinion formers, government and the public;
Publish definitive information for growers, advisors and other stakeholders in the food, fuel and fibre production chain, in the form of reference works, manuals and handbooks;
Organise and co-host conferences and symposia to provide platforms for the reporting and debate of scientific relevant results and opinion;
Contribute to the future of UK (bio) science by providing publications for schools which stimulate interest and learning.
1. Informed and Independent Analysis and Opinion
news releases reflecting outputs from Expert Working Groups (Weeds, Pests and Diseases, Applications and Seed Treatment) and individual board members;
responses to consultations and briefs for MPs, DEFRA.
2. Definitive Crop Production/Protection Information
The Pesticide Manual, The Manual of BioControl Agents, The UK Pesticide Guide;
Technical training handbooks covering - Field Scale Spraying, Small Scale Spraying, Using Pesticides, Spreading Fertilisers and Applying Slug Pellets and Safety Equipment Handbook
On-line resources – www.plantprotection.co.uk, New Crop Opportunities, Identipest, Garden Detective; the weekly BCPC News
3. Conferences and Symposia
the international BCPC Congress and Exhibition;
specialist science and technology symposia;
fora for stakeholders throughout the food chain.
4. Science Education
Beginners Life Science Series;
Beginners Physical Science Series
Its key objectives are to:
Identify developing issues in the science and practice of crop protection and production, and provide informed, independent analysis and views on these to opinion formers, government and the public;
Publish definitive information for growers, advisors and other stakeholders in the food, fuel and fibre production chain, in the form of reference works, manuals and handbooks;
Organise and co-host conferences and symposia to provide platforms for the reporting and debate of scientific relevant results and opinion;
Contribute to the future of UK (bio) science by providing publications for schools which stimulate interest and learning.
BCPC was formed in 1967 by the amalgamation of the British Weed Control Council and the British Insecticide and Fungicide Council under the presidency of Sir Frederick Bawden, who was Director of then Rothamsted Experimental StationRothamsted Experimental Station
The Rothamsted Experimental Station, one of the oldest agricultural research institutions in the world, is located at Harpenden in Hertfordshire, England. It is now known as Rothamsted Research...
BCPC achieves its objectives through the delivery of the following products and services:1. Informed and Independent Analysis and Opinion
news releases reflecting outputs from Expert Working Groups (Weeds, Pests and Diseases, Applications and Seed Treatment) and individual board members;
responses to consultations and briefs for MPs, DEFRA.
2. Definitive Crop Production/Protection Information
The Pesticide Manual, The Manual of BioControl Agents, The UK Pesticide Guide;
Technical training handbooks covering - Field Scale Spraying, Small Scale Spraying, Using Pesticides, Spreading Fertilisers and Applying Slug Pellets and Safety Equipment Handbook
On-line resources – www.plantprotection.co.uk, New Crop Opportunities, Identipest, Garden Detective; the weekly BCPC News
3. Conferences and Symposia
the international BCPC Congress and Exhibition;
specialist science and technology symposia;
fora for stakeholders throughout the food chain.
4. Science Education
Beginners Life Science Series;
Beginners Physical Science Series
External links
- BCPC Congress
- Association for Crop Protection in Northern Britain
- European Crop Protection Association
- UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate