British Chinese Society
BCS is a "not for profit" organization that promotes Chinese culture and language, and raise money for charitable causes in the British Chinese community. Their constitution expressly forbids Executive Committee members from profiting from any of the Society’s activities.
Some events are free to attend (such as the Friday Night Drinks) whilst others require registration and payment.
Costs of attending events are determined by whether an attendee is a paid-up member or a non-member of the BCS.
Application for membership of the Society is open to anybody who supports their aims regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliations or age.
Web-site - There has been an announcement on the BCS fan page that a new website will be launch in 2010.
Mailing -The BCS email newsletter publicizes current and future BCS events. Subscription to the BCS mailing list is done via entering an email address into the form box on the front page of the BCS website. An email will be sent requesting subscriber's acceptance to receive the BCS e-newsletter.
Executives and volunteers are all a part of the core team.
The BCS is split into three groups.
Executives and volunteers are all a part of the core team
The society was set up in 2001 by a group of friends who wanted to organise social events and activities, but within the framework of a proper society. Since then the society has significantly grown in terms of membership numbers, the variety and number of events organized, the average number of people at each event, and the amounts of money raised for Chinese community charitable causes.Aims
- Run social events to bring members of the Chinese communities together
- Promote Chinese culture and language
- Fundraising for charitable causes in the British Chinese community
Social Events
The BCS (British Chinese Society) organizes a variety of events. Past events have included:- Summer Charity Ball
- Xmas Charity Ball
- Charity Dinner
- Parties & Disco
- Dim Sum meets
- Paintball
- Go Karting
- Friday Night Drinks
- Rock Climbing
- Hiking Trips
- Sports days
- Ice Skating
Some events are free to attend (such as the Friday Night Drinks) whilst others require registration and payment.
Costs of attending events are determined by whether an attendee is a paid-up member or a non-member of the BCS.
Application for membership of the Society is open to anybody who supports their aims regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliations or age.
Web-site - There has been an announcement on the BCS fan page that a new website will be launch in 2010.
Mailing -The BCS email newsletter publicizes current and future BCS events. Subscription to the BCS mailing list is done via entering an email address into the form box on the front page of the BCS website. An email will be sent requesting subscriber's acceptance to receive the BCS e-newsletter.
Organizational infrastructure
The BCS is split into three groups.- Executive committee – the executive committee votes on matters that affect the long term future of the BCS. This usually involved the organizations financial assets.
- Volunteers – The Volunteers run the events they like while the other members offer any assistance where necessary. E.g. – rock climbing.
- Members – BCS members pay £12 a year to get priority for BCS events, they also get entered automatically into any raffle for prizes the BCS is given by other organization as well a discounts on some special events. You do not need to be a paying member to go to the BCS events. However being a member does come with benefits and the money is used to support for the society and Chinese community.
Executives and volunteers are all a part of the core team.
The BCS is split into three groups.
- Executive committee – the executive committee votes on matters that affect the long term future of the BCS. This usually involved the organizations financial assets.
- Volunteers – The Volunteers run the events they like while the other members offer any assistance where necessary. E.g. – rock climbing.
- Members – BCS members pay £12 a year to get priority for BCS events, they also get entered automatically into any raffle for prizes the BCS is given by other organization as well a discounts on some special events. You do not need to be a paying member to go to the BCS events. However being a member does come with benefits and the money is used to support for the society and Chinese community.
Executives and volunteers are all a part of the core team