Brice Armstrong
Brice Weeks Armstrong was an anime voice actor who primarily worked on the properties of Funimation Entertainment
He has retired from voice acting, and some of his former roles (such as Tim Maroch in Fullmetal Alchemist) have been recast with new voice actors.
Funimation Entertainment
Funimation is an American entertainment company. Originally founded in 1994 by Gen Fukunaga, the company became a subsidiary of Navarre Corporation on May 11, 2005...
He has retired from voice acting, and some of his former roles (such as Tim Maroch in Fullmetal Alchemist) have been recast with new voice actors.
Anime roles
- Baki the GrapplerBaki the GrapplerGrappler Baki , or Baki the Grappler, is a manga series written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki. It was originally serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Champion from 1991 to 1999, lasting 42 collected volumes...
- Igari - BasiliskBasiliskIn European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance...
- Lord Ieyasu - Blue GenderBlue Genderis a 26-episode anime created by Ryōsuke Takahashi broadcast in Japan from 1999-2000. Blue Gender was created by the Japanese animation studio, AIC and is distributed in the United States by Funimation Entertainment...
- Chairman Victor - Burst AngelBurst Angelis a Japanese animated television series directed by Koichi Ohata, from a screenplay by Fumihiko Shimo. It was produced by the Gonzo animation studio....
- Chief Katsu - Case ClosedCase ClosedCase Closed, known as in Japan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. The series is serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday since February 2, 1994, and has been collected in 73 tankōbon volumes as of September 2011...
- Einstein Achurbee, Foster Drake, Gregor, Jinnai, Nick Weldon, Robert Gilmore, Samuel Sebastian, Shane, Theodore Kinsella - Dragon Ball (series) - Narrator (DB), Ginyu (Z), Slug (Z Movie #4)
- Fruits BasketFruits Basket, sometimes abbreviated , is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. It was serialized in the semi-monthly Japanese magazine Hana to Yume, published by Hakusensha, from 1999 to 2006. The series was also adapted into a 26-episode anime series, directed by Akitaro...
- Grandfather - Fullmetal AlchemistFullmetal Alchemist, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa. The world of Fullmetal Alchemist is styled after the European Industrial Revolution...
- Tim Marcoh - Kiddy GradeKiddy Gradeis a 24 episode science fiction anime series produced in 2002 and created by gímik and Gonzo Digimation and directed by Keiji Gotoh. The series is licensed and distributed in North America by FUNimation Entertainment. The series currently airs on the FUNimation Channel in both its "syndicated...
- Inspector, Robo Butler - Lupin IIILupin III, also known as Lupin the 3rd, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazuhiko Kato under the pen name of Monkey Punch. The story follows the adventures of a gang of thieves led by Arsène Lupin III, the grandson of Arsène Lupin, the gentleman thief of Maurice Leblanc's series of...
(Movies & Special) - Douglas, Chin Chin Chou, Dolune, Brad - Samurai 7Samurai 7is a 2004 anime TV series, produced by Gonzo and based on Akira Kurosawa's highly regarded 1954 movie Seven Samurai. The series was directed by Toshifumi Takizawa and its music was composed by Kaoru Wada and Eitetsu Hayashi...
- Masamune - Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning - Raizou Shiranagatani
- YuYu HakushoYuYu Hakushois a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. The name of the series is spelled YuYu Hakusho in the Viz Media manga and Yu Yu Hakusho in other English distributions of the franchise. The series tells the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent who is struck and...
- Mr. Takanaka, Master Metamira, Topaz
Video Games roles
- Dragon Ball series (2002–2009) - Narrator (DB), Ginyu, Slug