Brachium of inferior colliculus
The Brachium of inferior colliculus (or inferior brachium) carries auditory afferent
Afferent is an anatomical term with the following meanings:*Conveying towards a center, for example the afferent arterioles conveying blood towards the Bowman's capsule in the Kidney. Opposite to Efferent.*Something that so conducts, see Afferent nerve fiber...

 fibers from the inferior colliculus
Inferior colliculus
The inferior colliculus is the principal midbrain nucleus of the auditory pathway and receives input from several more peripheral brainstem nuclei in the auditory pathway, as well as inputs from the auditory cortex...

 of the mesencephalon
The midbrain or mesencephalon is a portion of the central nervous system associated with vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake, arousal , and temperature regulation....

 to the medial geniculate nucleus
Medial geniculate nucleus
The Medial Geniculate Nucleus or Medial Geniculate Body is part of the auditory thalamus and represents the thalamic relay between the inferior colliculus and the auditory cortex...


External links

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