Bouhagier Patras
Bouhagier Patras or Buhayer Patras is considered to be the longest-lived vehicle body manufacturer in Greece
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....

. It was founded in 1890 and dissolved in 2004. The name Bouhagier was the corrupted version of the name of a 19th century Maltese
Maltese people
The Maltese are an ethnic group indigenous to the Southern European nation of Malta, and identified with the Maltese language. Malta is an island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea...

 (name : Bouhagiar) immigrant who settled and married in Greece. The company he founded in Patras
Patras , ) is Greece's third largest urban area and the regional capital of West Greece, located in northern Peloponnese, 215 kilometers west of Athens...

and developed by his sons, was one of the most respected builders of horse-drawn carriages.

In the early 1920s it began the construction of motor vehicle (car, bus and various truck) bodies, and eventually concentrated on buses. Bouhagier has built an extended range of bus models on a variety of chassis and modifications were occasionally done to accommodate different body lengths. The company, like all Greek bus manufacturers, suffered a major blow in the 1980s when the Greek market was flooded with used imports. Since the 1990s its activities were essentially reduced to body repairs until it went out of business a few years later.
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