Bosea The genus of evergreen, woody shrubs contains 3 species that are geographically widely separated; one in the Canary Islands, one in Cyprus and one in the western Himalayas. The species have many crowded cane-like stems from ground level grow to medium to tall shrubs, smallish simple leaves with smooth margins, and tiny white-to-green flowers in branched spikes at end of branches. The fruits are very small berries, which have varied local uses as food plants and in traditional medicine.
Bosea yervamora
Although rarely found in cultivation they are easily grown in any well-drained soil in full sun or warm sheltered position in climates from cool temperate to temperate. They re-sprout vigorously after being cut back and can be grown as an ornamental or informal kind of hedge. Easily propagate from cuttings, seed or root division.Species
Bosea amherstiana variegated form also available.Bosea yervamora