Bonded Fibre Matrix
Bonded Fibre Matrix mulch is a unique class of hydroseeding
Hydroseeding is a planting process which utilizes a slurry of seed and mulch. The slurry is transported in a tank, either truck- or trailer-mounted and sprayed over prepared ground. Helicopters have been used to cover larger areas...

 erosion control product, a hydraulically applied product that does the job as well as or better than erosion control blankets.

The matrix is a continuous layer of elongated fibre strands held together by a water-resistant bonding agent. It keeps raindrops from hitting the soil because it has no holes larger than one millimetre. It allows no gaps between the product and the soil. It has a high water-holding capacity. It will not form a water-insensitive crust that can inhibit plant growth. It biodegrades into materials that help plant growth.
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