Blaketown, Newfoundland and Labrador
BlakeTown has its Roots dating to the Great Depression. During that Economic Turmoil, the Price (number of Cents per Pound) of CodFish had decreased, because of an increase in the Value of the Currency. Prices at Local Businesses didn't decrease along with the Fish Prices' decreases; this led to severe economic hardship for Fishermen. The Commission of Government stepped in and Sponsored the Creation of several Farming Regions; the Regions include the Goulds, the Codroy Valley, Markland and Blaketown. People moved from the Conception Bay area, to partake of this Opportunity; this is seen today in the number of Dawes, Mercers etc still living in BlakeTown. In the years since the Great Depression, the Farming Operations, of BlakeTown, have diminished to practically Zero.
As BlakeTown is on the Route 80 Trinity South Highway, a few Service Businesses emerged, including a small Grocery Store and a Gas Station. In more recent years, several other Businessses have begun operation, including a Hardware Retailer, an Auto ScrapYard, an Auto Repair Shop, a WoodWorking Enterprise, an Auto Parts OutLet and a Regional High School.
The Lake, that extends most of the length of BlakeTown, is Dildo Pond. Dildo Pond is named as such because of its Elongated Shape.
The adjective dildo comes from the Iberian Peninsula Languages; it describes anything that is elongated. In the 1500s, the Spanish/Portugese Explorers named an Elongated Cactus, on the Turks and Caicaos Islands, the Dildo Cactus. Later, Explorers named an Elongated (apparently, from Sea Level) Island that is now part of the EverGlades National Park, in Florida, Dildo Key. The Elongated bolt that extends from the Mast Ring to the Keel, in a Schooner, is named the Dildo Bolt. The Elongated pegs that are used as OarLocks, on a small boat, are referred to as Dildo Pegs. The island, in Trinity Bay, named Dildo Island, has its name dating back to the 1700s. It isn't until 1965 that a person, in California, named a Toy after the Dildo Cactus, for obvious reasons.
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