Black Bag
"Black Bag - The Faithful Border Bin Liner" is an occasional character in the adult comic Viz
Viz (comic)
Viz is a popular British comic magazine which has been running since 1979.The comic's style parodies British comics of the post-war period, notably The Beano and The Dandy, but with incongruous language, crude toilet humour, black comedy, surreal humour and either sexual or violent storylines...


The original strip was a spoof of 1950s comic strip
Comic strip
A comic strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions....

s with an upper class boy and his "Lassie
Lassie is a fictional collie dog character created by Eric Knight in a short story expanded to novel length called Lassie Come-Home. Published in 1940, the novel was filmed by MGM in 1943 as Lassie Come Home with a dog named Pal playing Lassie. Pal then appeared with the stage name "Lassie" in six...

"-like dog, wandering around the country and generally messing up the lives of the people he meets. Instead of a dog, he was accompanied by a bin liner, blowing in the breeze. Most strips featured the bin liner being callously killed at the end. The strip was a parody of another strip from The Dandy
The Dandy
The Dandy is a long running children's comic published in the United Kingdom by D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. The first issue was printed in 1937 and it is the world's third longest running comic, after Detective Comics and Il Giornalino...

 called Black Bob
Black Bob
This article is about the fictional dog. For other meanings see Black Bob .Black Bob was the name of a fictional Border Collie from Selkirk in Southern Scotland. Black Bob originally appeared as a text story in The Dandy in issue 280, dated 25 November 1944...

, about a shepherd and his champion sheepdog.

Black Bag was drawn by Graham Murdoch
Graham Murdoch
Graham Murdoch is an illustrator who created the character Black Bag for the comic Viz. Currently, Murdoch mostly does illustration for training manuals.-References:...

, under the pen name of Snoddy (his cat). It lasted for a number of years in the late 1980s up to about 1990.

Black Bag was affectionately known as "B Bag", or "Baggy", by his devout readers. His friends, R Bag, G Bag and Wee Raab featured in later episodes of the strip and helped Baggy to solve many a crime.

The strip returned to Viz in 2007, with Black Bag rescuing Brotherhood of Man
Brotherhood of Man
Brotherhood of Man are a British pop group who achieved success in the 1970s, most notably by winning the 1976 Eurovision Song Contest with "Save Your Kisses for Me"....

from a well.
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