Bixa The plant is a tall shrub to small evergreen tree 6-10 m high, from tropical South America. It bears clusters of 5-cm bright white to pink flowers, resembling single wild roses, appearing at the tips of the branches. The fruits are in clusters: spiky looking red-brown seed pods covered in soft spines. The fleshy fruit is the source of orange henna or annatto
dye, made from its pulp. The leaves are broad, smooth, heart-shaped, ovate and lush green, 18 cm long. For centuries, an orange dye extracted from the seed coverings has been used as body paint by South American Indians, and before synthetic dyes revolutionized industry, the tree was planted commercially for the same dye, which was used to color cheese, margarine, chocolate, fabric and paints - and of course, lipstick, hence the popular name. The plant is also valued for its stem fibre (used in rope mats) and an adhesive gum which is extracted from all parts.
Annatto, sometimes called roucou or achiote, is a derivative of the achiote trees of tropical regions of the Americas, used to produce a yellow to orange food coloring and also as a flavoring...
dye, made from its pulp. The leaves are broad, smooth, heart-shaped, ovate and lush green, 18 cm long. For centuries, an orange dye extracted from the seed coverings has been used as body paint by South American Indians, and before synthetic dyes revolutionized industry, the tree was planted commercially for the same dye, which was used to color cheese, margarine, chocolate, fabric and paints - and of course, lipstick, hence the popular name. The plant is also valued for its stem fibre (used in rope mats) and an adhesive gum which is extracted from all parts.