Bitney College Preparatory High School
Bitney College Preparatory High School (BCPHS) is a high school
located in Nevada County, California
English Department
Social Sciences
Science Department
Foreign Language
Physical Education
Fine Arts
(Note: Selection of electives may change each semester.)
Wilderness Week
Night at the Opera
Shakespeare Festival
Senior Trip
College Tours
This link will be updated as new newsletters are published online. To view previous Newsletters, please see the following link: http://www.bitneyprep.net/newsletter/index.html
In the News=
The following are news articles referring to either Bitney itself or its students (past and present).
External Links=
High school
High school is a term used in parts of the English speaking world to describe institutions which provide all or part of secondary education. The term is often incorporated into the name of such institutions....
located in Nevada County, California
Nevada County, California
Nevada County is a county located in the Sierra Nevada of California, in the Mother Lode country. As of 2010 its population was 98,764. The county seat is Nevada City.-History:Nevada County was created in 1851 from parts of Yuba County....
Founded in 1998 by the Bitney Springs Charter Council, this tuition-free charter school falls under the jurisdiction of the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools.Student Academic Performance Index
For the school years of 2000-2001, 2001–02, 2002–03, and 2003–04, Bitney's API scores were the highest in Nevada County.http://www.ed-data.k12.ca.us/school/MCSchool-LikeThis.asp?tab=0&level=07&ReportNumber=64&County=29&fyr=0304&District=66415&School=6117329Campuses
Bitney has moved several times over the course of the school's existence. Below is a list of the sites Bitney has inhabited thus far.- Bitney Springs Rd. 39.255111°N 121.146648°W 1999-2002
- Woolman Ln. 39.270072°N 121.101227°W 2002-2003
- 12338 McCourtney Road 39.200055°N 121.092934°W 2003-2007
- Ridge Rd. 39.238864°N 121.054423°W 2007-2009
- 135 Joerschke Dr. 39.232860°N 121.041983°W 2009–Present
Student body
Freshmen- Bill Rein
- Skye Stephenson
- Jayson O'Brien
- Matthew Gaylord
- Nicholas Tippner
- Geoff Borchers
- Melody Arthur
Core Subjects
The Bitney academic program meets the eligibility requirements for the University of California and the California State University systems. Full descriptions of core classes may be found at http://www.bitneyprep.net/program.php .English Department
- 9th Grade English
- 10th Grade English
- 11th Grade English
- 12th Grade English
Social Sciences
- World History
- U.S. History
- Government
- Economics
- Algebra A/B
- Algebra 1
- Geometry
- Algebra 2
- Pre-Calculus
- Calculus
Science Department
- Scientific Methods
- Biology
- Geology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Foreign Language
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- Spanish 3
- Spanish 4
Physical Education
- Freshman PE
Fine Arts
- Art 1
Full descriptions of electives may be found at http://www.bitneyprep.net/electives.php .- 3d Graphics
- Beginning Calligraphy
- Computer Graphics
- Chess & Sports
- Driver Education
- Drama
- Drawing & Painting
- Fencing
- Hiking
- Intro to German
- Modern Physics
- Music Performance
- Painting
- Physical Education
- Sports
- Weight Training
- Solving Environmentalism
- Street Law
- Yearbook
(Note: Selection of electives may change each semester.)
"The Bitney College Prep althletic program offers a wide range of extracurricular opportunities, from mountain biking to fencing. There are currently two sports teams competing with other schools and organizations: basketball and coed ultimate. We're always looking for community members willing to help supplement our program by volunteering to coach something new." - Bitney Website
- Coed Ultimate Frisbee http://www.bitneyprep.net/ultimate_team/index.html
- Soccer http://www.bitneyprep.net/soccer_team/index.html
Field Trips
Bitney Students are given the opportunity to partake in a variety of field trips.Wilderness Week
Night at the Opera
Shakespeare Festival
Senior Trip
College Tours
Student Government
The school's student government usually consists of eight student-elected representatives, with two representatives being elected from each class. Additionally, one representative and one alternate representative from the senior class are typically elected as voting members on the school's charter council.Dances
School dances are held at various times of the year, typically close to holidays.- Halloween Dance (October)
- New Years Dance (January)
- Prom (May)
School Spirit Days
Bitney College Preparatory High School students are encouraged to participate in a variety of school spirit days:- Crazy Hair Day
- Crazy Hat Day
- Mismatched Shoes Day
- Alter-Ego Day
- Colourful Clothing Day
Brain Buster Challenge
Since 2007 http://www.theunion.com/article/20070226/OPINION/102260162&parentprofile=search, Bitney has annually hosted an event called the Brain Buster Challenge, where teams from local schools have an opportunity to showcase their skills, knowledge, and spirit. More specific information can be found on the Brain Buster Challenge page at the Official Website. http://www.bitneyprep.net/brain_buster_challenge/index.phpBitney Newsletter
Below is the most recent Bitney Newsletter.- http://www.bitneyprep.net/newsletter/news_2009-04-14.pdf
This link will be updated as new newsletters are published online. To view previous Newsletters, please see the following link: http://www.bitneyprep.net/newsletter/index.html
In the News=
The following are news articles referring to either Bitney itself or its students (past and present).
- "Freehling earns rank of Eagle Scout" http://www.theunion.com/article/20110331/COMMUNITY/110339950
- "Bitney College Prep High School, fall semester honor roll" http://www.theunion.com/article/20110203/COMMUNITY/110209888
- "Bitney already offers school model new charter would adopt" http://www.theunion.com/article/20110129/NEWS/110129694
- "Fencing: County resident gets to the point"http://www.theunion.com/article/20101021/BREAKINGNEWS/101029951
- "Bitney College Prep partners with Habitat for Humanity"http://www.theunion.com/article/20100819/NEWS/100819718
- "At Bitney College Prep HS, the future starts now"http://www.theunion.com/article/20100610/BREAKINGNEWS/100619994
- "Try Bitney College Prep on for size at upcoming info night"http://www.theunion.com/article/20100216/BREAKINGNEWS/100219828
- "Bitney HS hits the mat with judo classes"http://www.theunion.com/article/20100114/FEATURES/100119909&parentprofile=search
- "Other Voices: Take control of your education"http://www.theunion.com/article/20100102/OPINION/100109987
- "Bitney College Prep's info night tonight"http://www.theunion.com/article/20091209/NEWS/912099989/1028&parentprofile=1058
- "Wildernes Week: Annual trek helps build alliance with students, staff"http://www.theunion.com/article/20091119/FEATURES/911199963&parentprofile=search
- "Bitney heads in a new direction"http://www.theunion.com/article/20090813/FEATURES/908149996/1028/NONE&parentprofile=1057
- "2009 STAR reports"http://www.theunion.com/article/20090818/MISC/908189996&parentprofile=search
- "Kudos: Bitney Prep supporters"http://www.theunion.com/article/20090925/OPINION_LETTERS/909249978
- "Scotch broomed away"http://www.theunion.com/article/20090321/NEWS/903219998
- "Bitney College Prep info night on Wednesday"http://www.theunion.com/article/20081118/NEWS/811189940&parentprofile=search
- "Wine tasting raises $2,600 for Bitney Prep"http://www.theunion.com/article/20081112/NEWS/811119940&parentprofile=search
- "Kudos for Bitney coverage"http://www.theunion.com/article/20081003/OPINION_LETTERS/810039975&parentprofile=search
- "Bitney HS identity crisis"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080924/NEWS/809249998&parentprofile=search
- "Other options for schooling"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080923/OPINION_LETTERS/809239976&parentprofile=search
- "Other Voices: What Bitney College Prep is all about"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080917/OPINION/109179994&parentprofile=search
- "Helping students on their Educational path"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080826/NEWS/2651&parentprofile=search
- "Support through sports"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080815/SPORTS/557741786&parentprofile=search
- "Early NU grad skips freshman year to learn life with sister"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080714/TODAYSFEATURE/433355163&parentprofile=search
- "Graduates 2008"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080607/COMMUNITY/694313425&parentprofile=search
- "Ultimate Weekend"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080510/SPORTS/983353500&parentprofile=search
- "Thank you to The Union"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080315/OPINION_LETTERS/746691929&parentprofile=search
- "Brain Buster supporters"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080223/OPINION_LETTERS/261501955&parentprofile=search
- "Flexing the cortex"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080218/NEWS/795233005&parentprofile=search
- "Third time's a charm for Nevada County Gold"http://www.theunion.com/article/20080206/SPORTS/246558312&parentprofile=search
- "Charter school settles down in its new home"http://www.theunion.com/article/20071112/TODAYSFEATURE/111120136&parentprofile=search
- "High schoolers get a taste of opera"http://www.theunion.com/article/20071112/NEWS/111120135&parentprofile=search
- "Other Voices: Bitney Springs' move will strengthen school"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070728/OPINION/107280135&parentprofile=search
- "Bitney Springs moves to NU"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070716/NEWS/107160156&parentprofile=search
- "Special recognition for charter school"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070509/NEWS/105090114&parentprofile=search
- "Bitney Springs School receives special certification"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070508/BREAKINGNEWS/70508006&parentprofile=search
- "Teacher brings culture"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070412/OPINION_LETTERS/104120200&parentprofile=search
- "Challenge a success"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070226/OPINION/102260162&parentprofile=search
- "'Challenge' celebrates middle-school intellect"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070219/TODAYSFEATURE/102190164&parentprofile=search
- "High School seeks sponsors for event"http://www.theunion.com/article/20070110/NEWS/101100165&parentprofile=search
- "Bitney Springs HS to host orientation"http://www.theunion.com/article/20060810/WEBUPDATE/60810007&parentprofile=search
External Links=
- Official Web Site
- Bitney College Prep High School on Facebook